วันจันทร์ที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Best Way To Create A Workable Business Plan

Author : Selvyn Patterson

You're excited. You have a great idea for a profitable online business. Maybe it is an original idea that has not been marketed online before. Maybe you have come up with a new spin on the ordinary. Whatever it is that has influenced you to start your online business, be sure that you have a plan before you begin. This is not the time to ?pick it up as you go?. These are some basic things that should be included in your business plan.The business summary should give a brief description of the entire business and is an integral part of the overall business plan. After you have completed the business summary you should begin to list the objectives or the goals that you want to accomplish through the business. Next and perhaps most importantly, you should develop your marketing plan. The marketing plan will address all the specifics of the business. When developing the marketing strategy you should consider the following:The target market. The target market is the customers that you expect to see visiting your site. For example will your product be more appealing to college students or those who are in retirement?Consider the competition for your product when determining the marketing strategy. Choose a product that will be seen as unique and useful. Visit sites that are offering the same or similar products. Find out the cost, and how they are marketing their product. Finds out the pros and cons of their business and try to improve your product based on their flaws.Research the various methods for advertising online. You should become educated about search engines and how they work since each one is different. Also be sure that you know how to submit your site to search engines. You should be prepared to spend a small amount of money on advertising, but the profits that you will gain from the advertisements will prove to be money well spent.Think about pricing. Again, look at the competition and see what similar products are selling for. Pricing can play a big role in the success of your product since selling a product well below the average price may lead customer to think that there is a problem with the product or that it is not of the best quality. However, pricing items too high could also detour customers.Determine the shipping method. Be sure that you know how products will be shipped so that you can have shipping details clearly posted on your site. If you are shipping things of great value, you should consider providing shipping insurance. Also think about shipping outside the country that you live in.Think about the different methods of payment that you will accept. If your business does not accept credit cards, you should be ready to give up half if not more of your sales. If you decide to accept credit cards will you use a merchant account or will you use a third party credit card processing center? Both will help you get started and the third party processing center will handle all of the business so you don?t have to. You should decide which you will use and also if you will accept checks or money orders. It is essential to have a secure server when taking credit cards.These few things will help your online business to become a great success and also provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have thoroughly thought about and planned for the opening of your online business. About the author:-------------------------------------------------------To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:http://www.Marketing-AffiliatePrograms.com------------------------------------------------------- Internet Marketing Specialist, Writer and Entrpreneur.

Category : General Affiliate Programs

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Secret of Think and Grow Rich - Part III

Author : Vernon Myers
Part IIIIn Part II, we learned how Mr. Edwin C. Barnes met with Mr. Thomas Edison and made a proposal for partnership. Edison made a counter-offer by offering Barnes a job instead of the partnership that he wanted. Instead of giving up and going back home, Mr. Barnes accepted the offer to work for Edison. Let's see what happens next in Barnes' quest to become a partner with one of the greatest inventors to have ever lived...Staying focusedMr. Barnes remained fixed on the idea of a partnership with Mr. Edison which caused him to "remain ready" for the opportunity when it presented itself – because he knew that the opportunity would always present itself because he used the powerful Law of Attraction.How did Mr. Barnes keep himself motivated? Can you imagine the frustrating and stifling feelings that he experienced? He used positive self-talk and he continued to reaffirm his desire for a business partnership with Mr. Edison.Mr. Barnes staked his life on his desire and he exhibited what I like to call a "no-fail" attitude – which means that failure was not an option – he would not allow the circumstance of failure to occur – he was unstoppable in his pursuit of his dream. Do you know anyone who is THAT definite? What do I mean? Do you know anyone who has identified their major definite purpose and who has stood on that purpose until it became an obsession?Determination and persistence in pursuing a desire leads to greater opportunities – Vernon MyersBarnes was so determined and persistent that he would have stayed as long as it took to capture his dream, however - something happened…The opportunity appears…During his daily work, Mr. Barnes was always on the look-out for ways to be of service and to spot potential opportunities. He must have been very observant of his surroundings because his big break came in an unrecognizable way and from a different direction than where he was expecting it. His level of attraction was so strong that he attracted his desire not in the way he wanted it but in the way that God wanted to bless him.Mr. Hill states that opportunity often comes disguised as misfortune or temporary defeat. I am sure that Mr. Barnes may have experienced frustration and discouragement because things were not moving fast enough for him. I am sure that most of us would have failed to recognize the opportunity because it was not presented in a neatly wrapped package labeled "your opportunity of a lifetime."Mr. Edison created a dictating machine that his salesmen were not enthusiastic about selling. They didn't think that it would sale without a lot of effort. Mr. Barnes immediately recognized an opportunity. Why? His mind was oriented to spot opportunities all around him. He clearly recognized that this was an opportunity to fulfill his desire of becoming Edison's partner by taking the new invention and selling it to the best of his ability.Mr. Barnes saw opportunity where others saw obstacles and fears because he was truly interested in Edison's work, which ultimately lead to his goal of becoming a partner with Edison while everyone else continued to sit back and complain about how they "couldn't" sell the dictating machines – basically giving a lot of excuses.Mr. Barnes displayed outstanding confidence in his own abilities by suggesting to Edison that he would sell the machine. And sold it he did. Barnes lived up to his claim by selling the machine so successfully that Edison gave him a contract to distribute the machine nationally. Talk about exploiting an opportunity! He hit this opportunity out of the proverbial park. He hit a home-run. He became a business partner with the great Thomas Edison – goal achieved and desire fulfilled.What can we learn from Mr. Barnes?Mr. Barnes teaches us that thoughts are things and that our thoughts can make us rich. For example, Barnes earned two or three million dollars based upon one idea. Clearly, Barnes became a very wealthy man, but his greatest asset was not the money he earned, but the fact that he learned how to take his thoughts and transmute them into material rewards by the application of certain principles. Remember, the only assets he started with were his desire, his knowledge of what he wanted, and his determination to stick with it no matter how long it would take to realize.So what is the secret of Think and Grow Rich?The secret was revealed to us by Mr. Earl Nightingale, one of the pioneers of the self-improvement industry and co-founder of Nightingale-Conant, in one of his audio recordings. One night he jumped up because in an instant he was given the insight about what this secret was – he ran to his wife and said, "I've got it!" Obviously, she was probably thinking – what does he have that is causing so much excitement? Earl proceeded to tell her that the secret that he had been trying to find for all of these years is that you become what you think about most of the time! Your thoughts control who and what you become.I know this is not an earth shattering insight, but this secret has puzzled me for years until I really started to pay attention to what Mr. Hill and other writers have been saying and writing. The key to really "getting" this insight is to examine how you think and the results you are getting right now.If your results are not what you want them to be – examine what you have been thinking about on a daily basis and you will see that your results match your thoughts - exactly. If you want to change your results, change what you think about on a daily basis. Your outer "physical" world will match your inner "mental" world – perfectly. If you have not aligned your thinking then you will have the experience of incongruence – nothing will match.The best way to find out if your thoughts are aligned with reality is to look at what you are currently experiencing. For example, if you want to experience success in your job, you first have to identify what success means to you. Does success mean promotions, more money, or more responsibility?The next step is to look at what is actually happening in your current environment. Are you having the experience of promotions, more money, or more responsibility? If the answer is "no," your thoughts are not in alignment with your desires.You are probably thinking, "Well, how can I align my thoughts with my desires?" Let me direct you back to Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 2: Desire – The Starting of All Achievement.This is Part III and the last installment of the article titled The Secret of Think and Grow Rich.Vernon Myers has read or listened to the book Think and Grow Rich at least twenty times and each time he re-reads the book he learns something new to help him become a more successful person. Vernon would like to bring a group of people together to discuss the concepts in the book – If you are interested sign up to be part of the discussion group at the following site: Think and Grow Rich Discussion Group
Category : Self-Improvement:Success

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Mesothelioma, your health and legal right.

Author : odidis1@fastmail.fm

This story-article will open your eyes to the danger you might presently be living with and not know plus, the legal option open to you as a redress.John has been sick for months, he has finally been diagnosed to have a rare cancer disease medically know as mesothelioma. He is about being hospitalised for a possible cure of the disease on his lungs, heart and abdominal cavities.If you come down with mesothelioma, chemotherapy, usually the first option open to doctors as part of cancer analysis will be your first treatment experience, after which you might be subjected to radiation therapy, immuno-augmentative therapy or surgery as the last resort. You sure dont want Johns condition, do you?Most victims do not know that they had contracted this very rare cancer. Mesothelioma may silently damage cells of the affected organs for as long as 40 years before health problem symptoms become noticeable. Worse is that symptoms usually happen in retirement when your income, most likely, would have dropped below your expenditure.From all indications, John is very sick and obviously his well being has been greatly impaired, which must have shortened his life span. His income now barely meets his basic needs due to lost work-hours as a result of mesothelioma. He is in a dilemma regarding how to handle his condition.But unknown to John, he has a legal right to file for compensation against his former employers. Majority of the articles on mesothelioma, victims and compensation on the internet are unequivocal that anyone who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma having been exposed to asbestos, the chief cause of this rare cancer, is entitled to compensation. Aside from the inconveniences of illness, their life span has been shortened considerably by the disease contracted in circumstances that did not make the inherent danger of asbestos known to the victim. Using this argument experienced mesothelioma lawyers win claims for their clients, basically pleading the invariable loss of health and active life associated with the rare cancer.Companies that produced or whose raw material were or still asbestos cannot hoodwink the law on the fact that they knew how dangerous asbestos was to health, but deliberately did not inform their employees as a policy. Since it takes too long before mesothelioma symptoms begin to appear, tens of thousands of people in the United States may have died of this disease without being recorded as mesothelioma victims. Recorded deaths associated with mesothelioma are also in tens of thousands too. Asbestos factories, Building and Construction works are among the frequently mentioned culprits for this scenario. And most victims never even know that they were or are mesothelioma positive till it is too late.The symptoms that John came down with are; shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain, coughing and exhaustion . And I have also read that soon his immune system will become overworked and weakened fighting mesothelioma.Now, if like John, you or anyone you know had worked or works with asbestos, then inform them, and hurry up to a medical check up. If you test positive, look for a mesothelioma lawyer who can defend your claim. A competent mesothelioma lawyer must be abreast of the symptoms of the disease to be able to win your claim for you, so ask him questions about the disease to test his knowledge before hiring him. Neshah contributes useful articles fo your health benefits- Mesothelioma Symptoms/Lawyers

Category : General Medical: Cancer

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

On mouse over pop up: open pop up when pointer on your button.

Author : Endar WS

function tutup() {


Category : Medicine

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

National Health Care

Author : Dennis Alexander

More than 45 million Americans go without health care. At 14% of the gross domestic product, national health care spending is at an all time high. Health care issues and prescription drug costs continue to gain increasing attention during election campaigns, and many Americans are calling for the need to provide national health coverage as a universal service to all residents.The government already provides healthcare to 28% of Americans. Medicaid programs cover medical treatments for people who are of low income and limited resources. Medicare provides health care coverage to U.S. citizens over the age of 65, and to certain people under the age of 65 with specific disabilities. While neither of these systems are perfect, advocates call for the expansion of similar national health care products to service all U.S. citizens. Although 61% of Americans have private health insurance, usually through a group employer, proponents of national health care coverage believe that only government reforms and mandates can control rising health care costs and make coverage available to all citizens.Among physicians who support a national health care system, a single-payer system is seen as the only solution capable of providing coverage to the uninsured or underinsured, while also controlling the skyrocketing health costs due to drug pricing, malpractice suits, and long-term care. Under a single-payer system, the government would finance health care, but delivery of services to the consumer would be managed by private parties. How to integrate this in a cost-efficient manner, without breaking our current system, continues to be a source of much debate.The call for a universal health care system began under the Theodore Roosevelt administration, and was a major issue and topic of debate during the Clinton administration. During this time, First Lady Hillary Clinton was appointed by President Bill Clinton to head the Task Force on National Health Care Reform, making national health care her primary concern. The system reforms she proposed were too complex for many Americans to understand and they were defeated in Congress. In 2003, President George W. Bush signed the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act. This was done to overhaul and expand a system which had become antiquated.Despite this, many experts believe Medicare will run out of money as the baby-boomer generation requires greater, more intensive health care, and suggest national health insurance as the only solution. Many proponents of national health care point to the face that the United States, which is vastly rich in its resources, should be capable of providing the same type of national health care coverage that is universally offered in other modern, industrialized nations. National health care systems have been in practice for some time in many European nations. Those systems don't provide the same independence of choice that individuals in the U.S. demand. Fore more information visit us online www.GuideToHealthInsurance.org Dennis Alexander - leading consultant for employer group and individual/family health insurance. Marketing consultant for major health insurance resource websites and brokerage firms online. Some of the websites consultant and/or administrator http://www.HealthCoverageQuotes.com, http://www.GuideToHealthInsurance.org

Category : General Insurance