วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Top Tips For Affiliates – If Only You Desire Success

Author : James Ojo
I am sure that you are reading this stuff because you already know that some people are earning fat checks monthly from affiliate programmes and you probably want to duplicate their success story. However, your case has been different and opposite. Affiliate programs have never put enough money in your bank account; rather, all your efforts are being wasted, or perhaps you are even losing money.
But what have you been doing wrong? How can you slide from your current position towards becoming a super affiliate? It is by learning some tricks and secrets being used by these super affiliates which you have been ignoring.Let me give you some tips which will take you to the top. (You have a bunch on my website)Tip One.
I will recommend that you pick the best of affiliate programs. This is very easy to do. Go to CLICKBANK and you have more than 10,000 affiliate programs that have been arranged in order of popularity for you. The work can not be easier. Other places to go include, Commission Junction, and Linkshare, among others.Tip TwoYou are in business to maximize profit, I guess. Then go for the highest commission-paying affiliate programmes. There are some companies paying as much as 75 % at CLICKBANK. For every $100 you sell, $75 goes to your pocket! I guess you will prefer this to companies paying 6%!Tip Three
Ensure the relevance of your web content to the products you are promoting. If the theme of your website is on pets, avoid selling computer accessories on the same website. These are much unrelated items which will reduce your click through rate (CTR) and then your profitability.Tip Four
Look for hot products that people are willing to buy. Your conversion ration will determine your success or failure. If you sell products that have poor demand, no matter how efficient you promote the products, it will result in a loss. Test the market and make sure the product you are promoting has high demand.Tip Five
Get necessary software to enhance your profitability. One of these is good cloaking software that will save your affiliate link from being hijacked. Hijackers of affiliate links steal your commission. You must also get good tracking software to track your sales. In addition, you must choose affiliate programs that you know the company has a good tracking system. This is to ensure that all your sales are credited to your account.Tip Six
Go for a company with good resources for advertising. These resources include the banners, text-links, and e-mail templates. Some companies also provide PPC ads templates. It is not rare today to find companies who will freely cloak your affiliate links for you.Tip Seven
Be creative. Creativity is the use of sixth sense. Do what others are not doing in the right direction will skyrocket your affiliate commission. Write, buy or get good content for your buyers. With this, they will keep coming back to your website.Tip Eight
Treat you customers as friends or relations. Develop personal and intimate relationship with your website visitors and those who buy from your website.Tip Nine
When it is practicable, make use of back end sales strategy as well as multiple offers. This will be possible if you have on your website compatible products. For instance, "those who buy this soap also buy this cream" strategy may be employed if you sell friendly products.Tip Ten
Know how to market your products or services very well and cheaply too. I have a very good tool for this on my website (how you can place millions of ads free). If you do this right, you make money. If you market wrongly, you will be out of business sooner than you envisaged!For more tips and help, do not hesitate to visit my website.About the Author
James Ojo, Bsc.,MBA. The Online Success Writer, is a business development consultant, author, and copywriter.
Complete information on James articles and other services offered is available from his web site.http://www.hothomebizonline.com
Category : Business:Top7-or-10-Tips

วันอังคารที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

S and P Seismic Wave Reflection Barrier

Author : Lance Winslow
Some Science Fiction authors have written about future technologies, which could predict Earthquakes, many scientists do believe this may some day be possible. Few have ever written of technologies in the future, which might deflect Earthquakes once they start. It is for that reason, I would like to throw out an idea, which is not possible now but very well could be sometimes in the distant future. Earthquakes cause seismic waves; these waves pack a wallop indeed. Common Earthquake waves are S and P Waves.Nano tube sheets going down several miles along major faults could be put into trenches and filled with water on either side. As the S and P waves hit the nano tube sheets they would flex with the waves but reflect them rather than allowing them to pass. I propose that these nano tube sheet be set up like giant fence reflectors between flexible concrete with water and sand between like giant shock absorbers. They will keep the S and P waves away from the surface where humans live. Is it therefore possible to build a barrier to protect our cities and infrastructure? Perhaps this might not work, or maybe it will, but it is a place we need to be thinking. If we can build a 350-mile levee system, floating airports and buildings, which can withstand a Category V Hurricane or a Super Typhoon, what makes you think we cannot stop Earthquakes from disrupting our civilization?Mankind has been over coming his environment for as long as written history of the species? If it is possible to stop Earthquakes, then we ought do a little research and see what our most brilliant minds can come up with. Think on this.Lance Winslow
Category : Reference-and-Education:Science

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Using Astrology for Meet, Dating, and Seducing Single Women

Author : Don Diebel
Most women are interested in astrology and you can use this to your advantage. I have used this method very successfully in meeting single women to get a woman to leave a nightclub with me to go over to my place to do her horoscope. This can work for you and it's so very simple.You may be saying to yourself, "I don't know anything about astrology." Well don't panic, because all you're going to need is one book to get you started. The book is called, "Heaven Knows What" by Grant Lewi and may be available at your local metaphysical or regular book store. It's out of print, but you can get some used copies cheap at www.amazon.com. This book will enable you to cast a detailed horoscope in ten to fifteen minutes without the slightest study or knowledge of astrology beforehand. All you need to do is follow the simple directions carefully, step-by-step, and you just can't go wrong.The chief use of the horoscope is it's aid in self-discovery or in discovering what makes your friends tick, not to mention the women you do a horoscope on. The horoscope tells the basic underlying psychological and emotional drives of the individual. If you desire to pursue astrology further after using this book, there are many excellent books on the market. I've been studying astrology for over twenty years and believe me, you can never learn enough about astrology. If you don't believe in astrology, investigate the subject and you will find there's a lot of truth to it.Now, here's how this method is used to pick up and meet single women in nightclubs. Of course, you can use this method in any setting or situation. The best time to use this method is after you have made initial contact with a woman and towards the end of the evening. You can't just walk up to a woman and ask her if she would like to have his horoscope done and then leave and go to your place. OK, let's say you have met a woman and you have had a few drinks and a few dances and you're hitting it off pretty good. It's getting late and it's time to make a move. Ask her, "What sign are you?" Then follow up with, "Are you interested in astrology?" Then ask her, "Would you like to have your have your horoscope done?" Assuming she says yes, then follow up with, "Why don't we leave and go over to my place and I'll calculate your horoscope and let you read about yourself?" If she declines your offer for that particular night, set it up for another night. If you don't get her over to your place the first night, at least you'll get her over at a later date. Of course, you can always go over to her place instead.You have the option of making the main objective of getting a woman to your place to have her horoscope done is to seduce her. I'll leave this up to you. After doing her horoscope you can proceed with your seduction routine (dim lighting, soft music, a few drinks, kissing, stroking, etc.).In conclusion, you're going to run into some women who don't want any part of astrology. You'll just have to try and convince them to try it before knocking it. If this fails, you'll just have to resort to other methods to get a woman to your place. At least give it a try and see how it works for you. You have nothing to lose and a hell of a lot to gain. This method sure did work for me. Just buy the book and learn how to calculate a horoscope and you will be on your way to meeting more single women.This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles
Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to
successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with
women, please visit his website at: http://www.getgirls.com.
Category : Arts-and-Entertainment:Astrology

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Stress Relief The Healthy Way!

Author : Peter Cutforth

The scenario's familiar - maybe it's a new job, a new partner, or a speech you've got to give. You are overcome with feelings of nervousness, excitement and inadequcy as well. As a result, you're under a collosal amount of stress. The thought of the term: "stress relief" makes you think "You must be kdding!" It's as if you're on a relentless treadmill which just refuses to stop!But, here's a logical, AND effective method of stress relief, that really does work. Perhaps an actual treadmill will help you! Exercise can be the key to real stress relief. Using Exercise For Stress Relief:Here are some important points about exercise and stress relief:1) It's an obvious antidote to fatigue.2) It can make you have more energy, improving your endurance and resiliency. 3) It has been shown that people who are more physically fit usually experience fewer health difficulties. 4) In addition, exercisers are less likely to experience psychological problems such as depression, binge eating, or difficulty in sleeping. Without exercise, it is much more likely that you will suffer from colds, flu, sore throats and other medical problems. Aerobic exercise in particular can boost your cardiovascular system and be a great source of stress relief. Some studies have shown that, during aerobic exercise, a chemical is released in the brain which assits in healing the body from stress-related conditions. It is recommended that you should exercise at least three days a week for about 30 minutes at a time in order to improve not only your physical health but also your mental outlook.Generally, exercise should make you feel less anxious. Your muscles become less tense and you will be less shaky after a solid exercise session. It has also been shown that exercise results in an hour and a half to two hours of so called "relaxation response", where your body responds in a more relaxed state. This is also referred to as the endorphin response. As a result, your mood can improve, and you will be able to deal more effectively with stress. If you're finding it hard to get motivated to exercise, there are a number of things you can do. To start with, you can join an gym. Knowing that you'll have to pay dues to a club may mean you're more liekly to actually end up exercising. Stress Relief Can Be Assisted By A Personal Trainer. You might also consider enlisting the assitance of a personal trainer. A trainer can give you powerful motivation, and accountability, pushing you to complete exercises you never previously thought would bepossible. Another idea is to join an exercise class. There, you'll most likely meet lots of other people in a similar position to yourself. The camaraderie that can develop between exercisers can have a great stress relief effect in itself!Boost Your Self Image - Boost Your Stress Relief! Exercise can also improve your self-image. You'll experience increased self-worth, which will results in reducing your stress levels even further. A confident person is someone who knows how to deal with stress without becoming flustered or panicky. You may also end up eating better as a result of exercise. Your improved menu may also prove to be an effective stress relief. For instance, if you give up caffeinated drinks, you'll almost certianly find you become less highly strung. In addition to your times in the gym, you can benefit from seeking additional opportunities for exercise. This might mean running up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking to your workplace instead of going in the car, or playing football in the park with your children. The point is to get moving and keep active at every opportunity available. Exercise increases the flow of blood to the mind, giving the brain more sugars and oxygen which are particularly important if you are trying to concentrate. Exercise can also clear out waste toxic products from your brain which can result in unclear thinking. Usually, you will also feel an increased sense of well-being as a result of a good exercise program.As has been shown here, exse can also clear out waste toxic products from ercise can be beneficial to both the body and the mind,so it can relax you when other techniques are found wanting. By engaging in exercise, you free up your mind, so you can concentrate better and work much more effectively and efficiently. Chances are you'll not only feel much better, but you'll also look a lot better as well. With your brain under control, you should experience less stress. Now of course, exercise takes time and some discipline, but it is certainly well worth the effort. The great feelings you get from a powerful exercise session can actually last for days.You may find yourself actually looking forward to working out because of the excellent benefits it brings for you. Peter Cutforth wrties for a range of websites.Learn more about other forms of stress relief by visiting: http://stress-relief-vault.com/

Category : General Lifestyle

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

God Exists Brighter than the Sunshine

Author : Victorino Q. Abrugar
God's existence had created enormous arguments among philosophers, scientists and other thinkers or believers. Some of these arguments questioned the necessity of having a god. So do we really need a god? First, we should tackle what is god and who is god or gods. There are many different definitions of a god or gods as there were many different religions and beliefs that existed in our world since the ancient time until the present. But obviously, the common characteristics of a god are his mighty powers and his supreme ability to create. Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other religions believe in a god or gods who created the universe, the heaven and the earth. God is described as the mighty creator who is perfectly benevolent and just. Although religions specifically had different gods, we will discuss the typical god with his power, kindness, justice and creativity. Therefore all religions and believers of god should unify sometime for this article for a god is so necessary for religions to exist. As contrary to this, atheists and materialists don't believe in the existence of god, so as the necessity of having a god. The necessity of having a god who truly exists has something to do with men's faith. Faith is the belief on things which we don't see. It is the strong trust and confidence that people give to their gods and religions. Faith also parallels trustworthy and power. A perfect being like god who is also perfectly trustworthy and powerful deserves perfect faith from men. Faith saves lives and souls. Faith heals illness, overcomes fears and contributes success. Without a god who is perfect, faith would be weak. Without god who is our divine creator, there would be no heaven and earth. So, why a god becomes unnecessary? In fact, god is the most necessary being that exists.Now, if god really exists and indeed he is the truth who created heaven and earth; then he is really the most significant being in the existence. God is universal and proving his existence means exhibiting a universal proof. So was it really evolution or divine creation which brings everything in place? Was it the Big Bang or again god's creation which cause the universe? Did we really come from ape or from Adam and Eve? These are some of the popular arguments which are related to the question on the existence of god. If the theory of evolution is true then why are humans evolved extraordinarily far from other species besides the fact that humans are even considered the newest and the latest species that existed in this planet? The reason would be that we humans are created specially by an intelligent creator. Men were the last species yet the highest and most rational species created by god. The Homo erectus and the Homo sapiens did not become humans but became extinct. God created humans distinctively and distinguishable from animals by giving them the wisdom they would need to fulfill his will. The universe did not come from the Big Bang and definitely it is not infinite as many scientists believe. Everything that can be seen is temporary but everything that cannot be seen is eternal. The universe is temporary and what are eternal are the unseen things, which are the spirits. The universe was created by god to expand the humans and the earth. We did not come from monkeys but we from god. So why be confused if what really came first, the chicken or the egg? Of course it is the chicken reasonably because God created the chicken first than the eggs.God is true and he exists deeply, highly and clearly. If you look at everything around us, then you will realize that everything was designed intelligently. We exist not by accidents but by reasons. We are created with a very high logic that no humans possessed. If you look at yourself on a mirror then you will find that your eyes, nose, mouth, ears and even your hair are in place. Your hairs are placed on the top of your head to protect it from the heat of the sun above and from the falling rain. God created everything not only with a great intelligence but also with great love and tender care. He made us soft buttocks so we can sit comfortably. He also gave us tears to cool our eyes when we feel so much sadness. Why would we forcefully pursue that physics will answer the existence of everything if there is metaphysics which is philosophically higher and deeper than physics? It is now the time for us to move to the higher science which is the science of god and leave the science of men which is full of unproved theories. Let us focus on the spiritual things which are true and forever.Victorino Q. Abrugar is dedicated in spiritual
philosophy. He is the author of
Category : News-and-Society:Religion

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Building Credibility Through Bylined Articles

Author : Sally Hodge
As if making sure your company runs smoothly on an operational level isn't
responsibility enough, as a business owner, you're probably overseeing all aspects of your company's public relations program, as well.PR can keep a company above water when times are tough and help the business
soar during a fair-weather economy. It's a matter of knowing how to put PR to use
that makes sticking with it—through good times and bad—worthwhile.Most people think of PR as the practice of sending out press releases to as many
media outlets as possible in the hopes that something will "stick." Although it's
commonly practiced, it's not the most strategic approach. A much more effective
approach is to position your expertise through bylined articles.Think about it: An article that's written under your name (or byline) is 100%
message and will reach the audience you're seeking. It's not an ad, because it
appears in the editorial pages of a publication you've targeted and thus, carries a
different (and valuable) sort of credibility. To help you tap into their power, here are
the five Ws of bylined articles.What they are
Bylined articles are essentially articles written under your name and are a vehicle for
you to flex your industry-knowledge muscles. The material in these articles should
be presented in a way that demonstrates discreetly what makes you an expert in
your particular field. Three of the most common types are Op-Ed contributions,
trend articles, and "how-to" pieces.Op-Ed pieces: These are so named because they appear "opposite" the "editorial"
page. Op-Ed pieces position the author's point of view on an issue or trend.Trend articles: This type of article is typically a discussion of a current or
burgeoning trend with the potential to affect either the public or a specified field.
These are generally more informational and less opinionated than an Op-Ed piece.How-to pieces: Somewhat self-explanatory, this type of article offers the reader
information on "how-to" perform a task, achieve a goal, etc.Who benefits from creating such articles
Anyone who aims to be positioned as an expert in his or her field can utilize this
approach. Keep in mind most publications don't accept bylined articles submitted
by vendors because of their tendency to "sell" rather than inform. To overcome this
obstacle, the sales message must be discreet, if in the article at all.Why they are important
Bylined articles are an excellent way to showcase the knowledge and expertise that
make you stand out in your field. The fact that the publication thinks enough about
your message to run it on the editorial side gives your article third-party credibility.Another consideration is their long-term power as marketing tools. Article
placements can be incorporated into your marketing materials and posted on your
website for visitors to browse, or even e-mailed to prospects.Where they are accepted
Many consumer dailies accept Op-Ed pieces, particularly by well-known authorities
(academics or authors, for example). Other media outlets, like the professional or
trade press, often solicit informational or instructional bylined articles, and opinion
pieces, as well. The latter category is also an excellent option because they can be
targeted by their reading audiences – who are your buying audiences.When they are appropriate
Bylined articles will almost always find a home, particularly if they are rounded out
with current examples and offer a perspective that advances what's already been
written on the topic. However, for articles responding to a current issue or trend,
timeliness is critical.Using bylined articles as a public relations tool is rising in acceptance as a more
strategic and focused approach to help build a brand over the long term. It takes
time to put this sort of program in place yet the return on investment will prove this
out as a viable adjunct to the more commonly practiced forms of public relations.Sally Saville Hodge is president of Hodge Communications, Inc., specializing in
strategic public relations and marketing communications for businesses,
entrepreneurs and professional associations. Formerly an award-winning financial
journalist, she brings over 30 years experience to client engagements. Subscribe
today to Communic@te! our free bimonthly e-newsletter and get a free special
report: "Using Buzz To Create a Groundswell For Your Business." Visit http://www.hodgecommunications.com
Category : Business:PR

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Politics Of Fashion

Author : simi

Everyone knows that clothes make the man. From the executive suits that litter Wall Street like the remnants of a ticker-tape parade to the coveralls and work boots worn by construction workers and mechanics, clothes tell the story of who we are and where we're going. Even when the workday is done, what we choose to wear on our own time is still a reflection of our personalities. From the sweat-suit to the wet-suit, our clothes are meant to be not only functional, but forthcoming as well. Clothes tell others what we like, and often, how we spend our time. Sports franchise logos are constantly on display on Main Street America. T-shirts with well known television, film and music icons can be seen almost anywhere. Clothes have something to say, and people are beginning to realize that the responsibility of being a walking billboard requires us to choose wisely.Now, more than ever, politics are entering the realm of fashion. Blatantly political phrases and slogans are becoming more prevalent on the backs of the public than the bumpers of cars. There are even items of clothing that advertise specific candidates or political parties and were actually purchased by someone, somewhere (not obtained as a door prize at a party fundraiser). But what options exist for those who like a little subtlety with their agenda? Enter the merger of socially conscious art and clothing. Less politically charged and infinitely more fashionable, boutique clothiers have created garments that are the realization of the finite balance between the message and the medium. Using art as the instrument of exchange and clothing as the canvas, these pioneers of significancy are providing people with a method of expressing themselves both in figure and in fact. What better way for entrepreneurs to meet the demands of a public that is focused on reflecting a belief in both style and substance.Article written by Kingston Amadan. Author Bio::------------ Kingston Amadan liberalpolitical discussion forumemail: simi_hogard@yahoo.com

Category : General Politics

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Buy the Right Property - Don't Get Misled

Author : Jack Parker
We human beings have lot of aspirations and dreams in life which we want to fulfill in this small life. In the list of dreams what usually tops the list is the wish to have a beautiful house. Yes we all at some point in our life desires to own a house and design it the way we want. So why not to give some time to your biggest ever dream. Home buying is not an easy task. One really goes through a lot of turmoil during this property dealing process. But all is worth if results are satisfying. The right real estate professional can help you make good business decisions based on your personal circumstances.• Your first step in this real estate deal is to investigate as this is the mistake most of the buyers do, they don't investigate. So as now you know then don't commit this mistake. Check for CC&R's, Rules and Regulation and Association Fees.• Don't go too fast or too slow for property purchase. Don't even jump to first home you see, at least see 5-8 properties before going for the final deal. With the help of your real estate agent you can see as many properties as you feel.• The right team is a must to succeed in the property deal. So choose the right lender and agent.• Don't get influenced by the furnishings and the decorations of the property. Let the owner's furniture left to him only. Think of a vacant property.• Discuss frankly your income and living expenses with your real estate professional so that he judge your requirement and can help you better for that suitable purchase. Keep your future responsibilities in proper consideration including children, services and other expenses.• Before you sigh the final deal check all the expenses and costs involved. Check for the insurance, taxes, other home owner dues.• Check for all the general utilities like electricity, security, water, gas.• All the promises made by the owner in the dealing process should be in writing. Don't go for verbal promises as they have no significance.For any further information: http://www.propertyvertical.com
Category : Finance:Real-Estate

วันศุกร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Lazy Fish Worries

Author : Brett Fogle
If your fish hang out at the bottom of the pond, or act restless
and lazy, then it's likely that your pond is suffering from poor
aeration.When oxygen levels drop below 7 PPM it not only affects the
ability of your fish to breathe, but it also negates your pond's
bio filtration systems. That's because optimum bio filtration
results require large quantities of air. When bio filtration
degrades it results in the buildup of toxic ammonia levels. This,
in return, causes stress in your fish which can result in
lethargy and even death.Your immediate first aid calls for increasing oxygen levels at
once. Unlike chemical treatments, you can't cause any problems by
putting "too much" oxygen into your pond. The easiest way to
maintain oxygen levels is to run an aeration pump 24 hours a day.
If you are already doing that, and your oxygen levels are still
too low, then either your pump is defective, undersized for the
pond, or your water temperatures are so high that the water is
not capable of retaining sufficient oxygen. Treat whichever of
these conditions exist.Once you have cured the oxygen generation system problems, its
time to test your water for ammonia, nitrite, and pH. It's also a
good idea to test for total alkalinity and hardness. Adjust any
levels that are out of normal ranges using pond additives that
are designed for each problem.If you found multiple problems, or suspect that you have a
general water quality issue, then you should commence a daily
changing of 20-40% of your pond's total volume until you have
turned the water over twice. Of course, you need to use
chlorine-free water. After you have turned the water over twice
you should perform all of the tests that I wrote about earlier
and make any required adjustments.If your fish do not recover, or you are experiencing kills, then
you may have a parasite or other health problem. Check our
article archives for potential solutions.**************************************************
Brett Fogle is the owner of MacArthur Water Gardens and several
other pond-related websites including
and Pond-Filters-Online.com. He
also publishes a free monthly
newsletter called PondStuff! with a reader circulation of over
9,000. To sign up for the free newsletter and receive our FREE
'New Pond Owners Guide' visit MacArthur Water Gardens today!
Category : Home-and-Family:Landscaping-Gardening

วันพุธที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Mosquito Products. Are they safe for our health ?

Author : Raul Gallu
There are plenty of mosquito products we can use to get rid of these nasty insects. Some of them are effective some are not. I guess we all own one of these mosquito products at home, but have you ever wondered how they work or are they hazardous for you health? So lets see what kind of mosquito products are out there and how safe they are.

Mosquito products could be classified in two categories based on their purpose. So there are in the first category are the mosquito products that kill the insects and in the second one we've got the products that repels mosquitoes. The products grouped in these two categories there are indoor and outdoor mosquito products.

To understand how these mosquito products work we must understand what attracts mosquitoes. So when humans and animals exhale, they give off CO2 (carbon dioxide) and other scents. Mosquitoes have sensors that can detect the presence of these chemicals at a distance of over 100 feet. Once the mosquito picks up the scent, they will immediately change direction and fly rapidly toward the intended victim. So the purpose of mosquito products would be either to attract and kill the insect or to deceive its senses.

In the fist category of mosquito products would be bug zappers and mosquito magnets. An electric bug-zapper works by attracting insects to a central ultraviolet light, surrounded by a lethal electrical grid so when the mosquito touches that grid gets burned. The best in this mosquito products category, would be the old mosquito magnet the most high-tech (and expensive) weapon in the homeowner's arsenal of mosquito products, made by American Biophysics Corporation. It uses propane to emit carbon dioxide, just as people do, which is one of the things that helps mosquitoes find you. Once mosquitoes are lured to the device, they are sucked into a trap where they dehydrate and die. So these would be about all the mosquito products that have the purpose to lure, trap and kill the mosquitoes.

In the second category of mosquito products are the repellents. They work by blocking the receptors on mosquitoes antennae for the: moisture, warmth CO2 (carbon dioxide) and odor produced by humans that are all attractants for mosquitoes. Even if it is a spray or an ointment the best repellent is DEET.

DEET (diethyl toluamide) was developed in Orlando in the 1950s and contains a synthetic chemical repellent. The mosquito products marketed today contain various concentrations of DEET some of them even to 100 percent witch is not so good for your skin. Mosquito products containing 5 percent to 7 percent DEET keep mosquitoes away for up to 2 1/2 hours.

Citronella, which is also part of this second mosquito products category, is a volatile, liquid oil derived from dried cultivated grasses. It works by repelling animals and insects without harming or killing them. It has a distinctive odor, which also repels certain animals. Oil of Citronella is considered so unlikely to cause harmful effects that some citronella products are exempt from the usual regulation. The mosquito products containing citronella come in the form of candles, cartridges, and rub-on products.

These would be the most important mosquito products available on the market today some of them effective some less effective but I think that the most important thing is weather they are safe for you, your family and your loved ones.

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Solutions for 50 Backlinks with PageRank greater than 2

Author : Mike Pham

Today, no one can deny the importance of backlinks in Search Engine Optimization, especially in Google Optimization. In this article, you can find some solutions for the goal of 50 backlinks with PageRank greater than 2 for new websites. When this goal is archived, I'm totally sure that the pagerank of your website will be boosted to at least 3 in the next update of Google. There are two main solutions for this goal: - Finding links on our own, not spending money. - Buying text links (backlinks). 1. Finding links on our own, not spending money *Methods in this solution include: - Find relevant, quality websites and request for link exchanges. - Submit to quality directories. - Submit testimonials on websites where you have purchased any services or products. - Write articles or posts to submit to other websites, blogs, press and forums. *Pros in this solution: - No money. - Robust, stationary links. - Accepted by search engines. *Cons in this solution: - More time and efforts. - Two-way links (reciprocal links). - Difficult to determine the time to achieve goal. *References for this solution: - Link Exchange programs: linkalizer.com, linkmarket.net, freelinkcentral.com - Automatic link exchange programs: belinked.info, onewaytextlinks.com, build-reciprocal-links.com, linkdash.com - Quality Directories: businesspages.org, a2z-free.com, alphabiz.org - Article Directories: goarticles.com, articlealley.com, article99.com, ezinearticles.com *Tips: - You can find more sites for link exchange from studying your competitors' link popularity. Use search engines to perform this check, the keyword in many cases is: link:your_competitor_url. - When visiting some directories, pay attention to Directory category. You may find the others directories there. For example, in Directory category of businesspages.org, you can find some other good Australian directories. *Estimated time: 2 months 2. Buying text links *Methods in this solution include: - Buy text links (backlinks) directly from sites (in case they don't accept link exchanges) - Buy text links from text link brokers. - Buy text links from link auction sites. - Pay fee to be included in big, quality directories (Yahoo, Overture, LookSmart...) *Pros in this solution: - Less time and efforts to get links. - One-way links (better than reciprocal links) *Cons in this solution - Money. We must pay fee every month (or year) for some links. - Buying text links (many in the same time) from text link brokers isn't encouraged by search engines. They can penalize us. - Some links are volatile (not permanent). *References for this solution: - Advertising on sites: iwebtool.com/pagerank_checker (PR5 - $10.00 per month) - Text link brokers: textlinkbrokers.com (5 Permanent Links PR0 ? PR4: $175 /month), textlinkpopularity.com (10 Links from PR 3 Pages: $150 - Pay only once for permanent links - no recurring charges) - Link auction sites: linkadage.com - Big, quality directories: Yahoo! Directory (1 link - $299/year - your site will be reviewed first) *Tips: - When buying links from brokers, be sure that you can preview the pages in which your link will be included. Besides the PageRank, there are other factors to take into consideration such as: relevant links in this page, how many links in that page, whether your link is static, ... *Estimated time: 1 week (some directories need more time to review our request) 3. Conclusion: It seems that the goal of 50 backlinks with PageRank greater than 2 for new websites is not an easy one. Improving link popularity is a long, patient but obligatory process. It's up to you to decide which solution is better or the combination of these two ones. Article by Mike Pham of http://www.TopTrafficWholesaler.com , a complete service web promotion agency. Advertise your website effectively with our U.K targeted traffic and free search engine submission.

Category : General SE Positioning