วันเสาร์ที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Security Moms Making NJ Safer

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Cedar Grove, NJ October 15, 2004 - All are invited by "Security Moms 4 Bush" to attend their NJ Rally, to be held on Saturday, October 16, at the VFW Post 6255, 970 Pompton Ave, Cedar Grove NJ. Start time is 1:30, but attendees are encouraged to arrive early to sign in. Plenty of parking in 3 lots: the Macedonian Church lot (at light on Steven's), the Presbyterian Church lot (on Commerce), and the VFW lot (for handicapped, volunteers, and media).Special guests include: Steve Malzberg (WABC radio host/FoxNEWS political analyst) Doug Forrester (businessman) Debra Burlingame (9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America) Maichael "AJ Sparxx" Illions (Pro-Wrestling Republican Coalition, Executive Director) Mike Barry (Port Authority Officer, helped bring the WTC US flag to Utah Olympic stadium) Rich Rossillo (GOPUSA NJ, Executive Director) Bill Thompson (NJ Christian Coalition, Vietnam Veteran) Trade Martin (musician)No admission cost. Children are most welcome. Soda and water will be available. Please no backpacks or large purses. For additional information, contact: Linda Bergin, 973-655-8967About Security Moms 4 BushSecurity Moms 4 Bush is a volunteer organization and completely privately funded. Membership proudly includes moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and sons and daughters. Stop and contemplate just how different this 21st Century is. We are at war. We are at war with terrorists that have chemical and biological weapons that they would just love to unleash inside our once safe shores. The war should not be politicized. We have servicemen and servicewomen in harm's way that need to know we are supporting them in their dedication to our country to help make our country, our states, our towns, and our neighborhoods safe from terrorists.

Category : Free
