วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Ignite And Rev Up Your Car

Author : Joe Thompson
How do you start your car?The simple answer to this very simple question is to insert the key into the ignition slot and rev up your car to life.So how does the ignition of your car really work?Well, the ignition key slot of your vehicle is actually part of a much larger system which is called the ignition system. It is mostly found on internal combustion engines. It actually starts off the burning of the fuel mixture that is found in the engine of your car. This is primarily because the fuel mixture in the engine does not just burn and make your car run automatically or else your vehicle would be running nonstop. Most modern engines do make use of an ignition system.The key to the entire ignition system is your car key although there are some vehicles that make use of a code patch. However, whether it is a key or a code patch, this is what your car needs to actually start and rev up. The key or the code patch actually works to unlock the switch that is found in the ignition slot. The key or the code patch also switches the operations of your vehicle off.If your car's ignition switch seems to be locked up and would not budge, automobile experts and mechanics actually say that this is primarily because the wheels of your vehicle are jammed against the curb through which the switch moves about.To remove such a lock up, you should first make sure that the transmission system of your vehicle is in park mode. So that the vehicle would not roll further up against the curb, it is important to put the parking brake. Then you should pull hard and with much force on the steering wheel. While you are doing this, turn it in both directions so as to free the wheel.If after doing this and the ignition is still stuck, you should release the parking brake. Instead, put the transmission in neutral position. Then let up on the foot pedal. This would rock the car slightly and make your ignition switch work once again.Auto Parts Discount manufactures and sells the best quality Mercury parts and new auto accessories.Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 38 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications.
Keyword : auto parts,Mercury,Mercury parts,Mercury accessories,ignition system
