วันศุกร์ที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Road Rage Impairs Driving Safety!

Author : William Ron
Road rage is often referred as the aggressive emotion between drivers caused by difficult driving conditions disguised in the name of traffic. Imagine a hypothetical scenario where you drive next to some guy who doesn't give you space to make a turn and he is far beyond the posted speed limit. Does this irate you to certain extent that you revolt back?? If so, you are raging on road.Signs & Symptoms of road rage
• Tailgating.
• Obscene gesturing.
• Blasting the horn.
• Racing to beat a yellow light that's about to change into red.
• Traveling in the passing or left lane at a slower speed, making it impossible for others to pass.
• Cutting people off.
• Slowing down after passing someone.
• Changing lanes without signaling
• Frequently changing lanes by weaving back and forth
• Not making a right turn in the right-hand turn lane.
• Not reacting quickly after the red light turns green
• Flashing lights in order to signal persons to move to another lane.
• Driving with the high beams on behind another vehicle or toward oncoming traffic. Myth: are aggressive driving and road rage same?
Aggressive driving is a traffic offense or combination of offenses such as following too closely, speeding, unsafe lane changes, failing to signal intent to change lanes, and other forms of negligent or inconsiderate driving.
While Road rage on the other hand, is a criminal offense, norm prescribed by DMV. This occurs when a traffic incident manifests into a serious situation. These violent acts might include physical confrontation to an assault with a motor vehicle or possibly a weapon. Remedy
A preliminary action would be to act dumb, avoid responding back to the misdemeanors. If the other driver's aggressive behavior is intentional, the best thing to do is to avoid eye contact and get out of the way. Don't create a competitive environment between you and the other driver. This vengeance makes you forget your driving laws.
Defensive driving skills make a significant change in your driving attitude.
Apart from psychological disturbance and physical injury, the aggressive feeling affects the driving in the ways like speeding, ignoring road signs, poor lane discipline and lack of courtesy.
Highly recommended tips to avoid road rage- these are simple driving tips
• don't take traffic problems personally
• don't tailgate
• use your horn sparingly
• don't block the right hand turn lane
• don't block the passing lane
• avoid eye contact with an aggressive driver
• don't make obscene gesturesThese are just a few suggestions to reduce the risk of road rage. Never drive at the extremities of slow or defense. Treat the other road users as you wanted to be treated by them. Do remember tolerance is a virtue and patience does pay for your safety on roads.Drivers involved in truck driving need to track their attitude while driving. These giants merely take away lives at the very infraction itself. They cause higher damage than the general automobiles. Hence forth it is quintessential to be relaxed and enduring while driving behind the wheel.Ignorance is surely bliss. Especially to avoid becoming a victim of a "road rage" driver. Be calm and patient. This serene driving attitude is helpful for you and healthier for road safety. You can read many more tips and information @ driving safetyvisit driving safety
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