วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Best Way to Quit Smoking: Fasting to Quit

Author : Sallie Stone
Most quit smoking books, maybe all of them won’t tell you what I’m about to tell you next. Fasting is one of the best methods to quit smoking, if not the best. It will give you what you need to quit smoking. A lot of us feel we can’t quit smoking but we can. We fast so God will give us what we need to finally quit for good.You should fast for three days to quit smoking. Fast on brown rice and water or carrot juice three days in a row. If you can’t fast for three straight days fast one day a week for three weeks or as close together as possible. This method can be used cold turkey or with the method discussed in the last chapter of my book; although I recommend cold turkey with this method. This method will work for you, all you have to do is try.There are other ways to quit smoking. For instance you could pray or meditate until the desire passes. The desire to smoke will pass.Another tip I share to readers in my book Quit Smoking the Easy Way: A New and Revolutionary Way to Quit Smoking is to chew cinnamon gum.There is something about cinnamon that fights cravings for nicotine. We’ve all heard about the healing power of Aroma therapy. Well now you know cinnamon can be used to fight cravings!I think one of the most important ways to prepare yourself for quitting smoking is the ritual of forgiveness. Smokers smoke when they are mad. This tends to bring the anger to the subconscious. Here’s an excerpt from my book on the chapter entitled The Ritual of Forgiveness: “This ritual frees your heart. First think about everyone who has ever wronged you. Make a list in your mind. Ask God or a saint in heaven to help you forgive each person and why you need to forgive them. Perform this ritual nightly until you have forgiven each individual.You will find that your heart will become unburdened and you will forgive more easily. You will find that you are not only better off not smoking but that you are better off not holding resentment in your heart. Getting rid of any anger will help you to be a calmer person who is ready to quit smoking.”Sallie Stone is the author of Quit Smoking the Easy Way: A New and Revolutionary Way to Quit Smoking. She can be contacted at sallie_stone@msn.comSallie Stone is the author of Quit Smoking the Easy Way: A New and Revolutionary Way to Quit Smoking. She studied Art History and Museum Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. She holds a B.A. in Art History from that school. Her website is http://www.lulu.com/sallie_stone
Category : Leadership

We are Naked to the World

Author : Daniel Sitter
Data mining, aggregating, cross-referencing databases… call it what you will, there is a tremendous amount of available information concerning each of us floating in cyberspace, ripe for the picking. There are people and companies collecting it, constantly, consistently. Learn, that despite our best efforts to protect our privacy, to cover our "nakedness," there is virtually very little that can be effectively done to stop or even slow this practice. This is perfectly legal and most companies have no malicious intent. This information is collected for marketing purposes. Where this practice becomes dangerous is when our precious and private information falls into criminal hands.I recently read an article concerning marketing relationships between products and people. Jason Kolb had written "Google Knows Me Better Than I Know Myself." He discusses the implications of this type of search data being acquired by politicians and any other group imaginable. Many companies, and likely, politicians as well, use data-mining tools to extract relationships and marketing potential out of seemingly unrelated data. They cross-reference information and data from a wide variety of sources, gathering whatever type of information or patterns that they are looking for at the time. This practice is quite commonplace.In the real world, there are data brokers or aggregators such as ChoicePoint and Acxiom. These data brokers "collect information from public records, criminal databases, medical records, motor vehicle records, credit information and other sources, repackaging it into raw data and reports that they sell to many businesses as well as local, state, and federal government agencies." While this data collection and research can be beneficial in criminal investigations and insurance related situations, it can also be disastrous if this sensitive data fell into the wrong hands. They and others have been in the news lately because of data losses and security breaches fueling escalating fears of widespread incidents of identity theft.We think we are secure and private, but try as we may, to the contrary, we are quite transparent... naked to the world. Aggregators collect data from pharmacies, medical facilities, credit card companies, schools, libraries and countless other sources of information. They can "paint" an accurate and disturbingly alarming portrait of each of us in real time. A marketer can decipher and assemble data so accurately that they know, for instance, who your doctor is, what medical specialty they are experienced in, what you are seeing the physician for, what medications you take for it, where you buy your prescriptions and even the time of day that you prefer to do so. They know how much money you spend at the grocery store each week as well as the brand names of the items that you regularly buy. They know if you prefer sugar-free, unsalted or caffeine-free snacks.They examine your credit card and bank statements. They know what make of car you drive, where and how often it's serviced, where you buy gasoline and how often you refuel. They collect data on each and every purchase you make, where and when you make it, and learn your purchasing habits and cycles so that they have a good idea when you will be ready to purchase again. The financial information in your credit file is minute when compared with this additional data that is constantly being compiled about you. Oh, by the way, they have all your credit information as well.When you couple this information with the now-seemingly mild data collected by MySpace, Google and other online aggregators, marketers can purchase any relevant data concerning you that meets their needs, cross-analyze it and study patterns to extract the information that they want. In this manner, they do indeed know you quite well.Scared? You should be. There are few secrets anymore. We live transparent lives and are more vulnerable than ever.Daniel Sitter, author of both the popular e-book, Learning For Profit, and the highly anticipated book, Superior Selling Skills, has extensive experience in sales, training, marketing and personal development over a successful 25 year career. http://www.learningforprofit.com/ Read his blog http://www.idea-sellers.com/
Category : Legal:Identity-Theft

Five Tips for Making the Phone your Semi-Automated Income Generator

Author : Kelly Araneda
We humans are a funny breed. We whine and complain about being lonely and neglected in this increasingly impersonal world. Yet we have insatiable cravings for automated, instant processes and services. We want what we want, when we want it, without having to talk to anyone or answer any questions. Right?Successful Internet business owners are perfectly aware of the paradox and have prospecting/selling systems that cleverly meld the need for both human interaction and automated function. No matter how automated your online business may be, adding that ounce of human touch is sure to increase sales and signups by huge margins.As much as we were hoping to be rid of it, the telephone just might be your best friend when it comes to building human relationships with prospects. That's right. Just when you thought you had automated yourself past the need for a telephone, you find yourself needing it more than ever. The following 5 tips and power phrases will help you use the phone as nothing more than another tool for automating business. Do not use the phone to sell. Let the phone be your semi-automated income generator.1) Presenting Yourself on the PhoneWhen approaching your prospect on the phone for the first time, they must immediately sense your positive energy and desire more of it. If not, they will quickly be rid of you. Avoid the monotone telemarketer voice that is flat and devoid of life. Your voice must convey sustained enthusiasm (as opposed to over the top insanity) as well as a measure of genuine concern. This takes practice. Start by noticing how others talk to you on the phone. Learn from the telephone voices that are able to hold you on the line. Also, you are the best at being yourself, so there's no need to try to imitate other people that you may consider successful at telephone prospecting. Let your own personality and traits come through rather than trying to put on a false front.2) Find Out Their Interest LevelThe first goal of your interview with the prospect is to learn their interest level. This will allow you to weed out the tire kickers from the serious money makers right from the start. Try this line with your prospect: "I see you are interested in starting an internet business and making money from home. Is that still true?" This powerful phrase does two important things for you. First, it lets the prospect know that you are already aware that they have taken some kind of action to express their interest. Second, because they know you have this information about them, it's difficult for them to turn you away or deny their interest.3) Take Control of the ConversationAt this point the prospect may try to rush you to your point and impatiently demand a 3-word description of what you're offering. Take a breath and try these key phrases in any combination that works well for you: "Well, let me tell you how I work. First, I need to know if you're serious about making money online from home so that we don't waste each others' time. If you are serious, I've got something absolutely phenomenal to share with you. If not, then that's okay and we still part friends."This is powerful! It let's you take control of the conversation and conveys that you will lead them through the information gathering process with your professional expertise. However, it also removes the pressure by providing an out for the prospect. Yet at the same time, the prospect intuitively wants to prove him/herself as a "serious" candidate. I mean really! Who doesn't want to make serious money online from home?
You are now in a position to explain what the prospect must do next to become more informed about your offer. This is when you use your phone to "automate" the sales process and refer them back to your site to take appropriate action. Perhaps you need them to watch an online presentation, submit a form, review a product, take a survey, etc.4) Get the Prospect to your Site ImmediatelyLike I said, we want the phone to be a part of our automated system. We do not want to use the phone to sell. While you've got them on the phone, ask if they can simultaneously be on online. Most prospects can. Direct them to your site and show them the information they need to absorb.5) Call them Right Back!Now, you can hang on the line while they watch, but I prefer to give them a few minutes and schedule a call back within the next 10-15 minutes to get their reaction. This removes some of the pressure and again lets their defenses down.
When you've got them back on the line for the second time DO NOT TRY TO SELL. Let your automated system do the selling. Remember, you're there just to add the human touch. You can even try this line, "Look, Bob. I'm not here to sell you or close you on this. I'm not going to ask you to put down any money or sign any forms. I just want you to get fully informed because I'm convinced that this is the best (name your product) on the market and I'm confident you will think so too. And if you're serious about using this opportunity to make money online from home then I'm sure we'll have a long and prosperous business relationship. So here's what I need you to do now."
Again, you're in a position to redirect them to the final stage of action that will bring them closer the sale. Refer them back to the site for this final action.In my case, all I have to do is direct them to a call back request form where they submit some details. One of our team leaders follows up with my prospect all the way through to closing. The professional sales team does all the work for me and then notifies me when I have money coming in! Talk about the perfect blend of automated sales and human relationships!Bonus Tip:
If you're still not convinced that the phone can be your semi-automated friend, then consider adding a live chat feature to your web page. This allows your visitors to contact you with questions while they are still at your site! That is extremely powerful and instantly adds a human touch to the sales process. Most live chat features also allow you to be proactive and approach a browsing visitor with a friendly, "Hello there. Let me know if you have questions!" Currently, zazachat.com is offering FREE live chat services for any website while they are beta testing, so give them a try. The only negative to this approach is your required presence at the computer to make it effective. If your chat feature is consistently "offline" then visitors will possibly feel neglected or even conned.In summary, remember that while your business may be fully automated and can generate sales without your personal touch, using the phone to add that ounce of human contact can greatly increase your profits! Your goal is not to sell them on the phone, but to enhance your automated system's performance by referring them back to your site and encouraging them to take action. For tips on automating any online business with a top notch marketing portal that allows for up to 7 streams of income visit www.bringthebucks.comAs Seen on CNN and the Discovery Channel
Category : Business:Sales-Teleselling

Hold Onto What You've Got

Author : Alan Fairweather
You probably spend a great deal of your time looking for new
customers or clients. However, are you sure your doing
enough to hold onto the ones you've got. One of the least
costly ways to grow your business is to get customers to
come back and buy more of your product or service.How many customers have you lost this month? I'm sure it's
not something you want to think about too much, however it's
inevitable that you'll lose customers and clients for a
whole range of reasons many of which are out with your
control.I read a survey some years ago that suggested customers
leave a business for four basic reasons:
14% leave because they're dissatisfied with the quality of
the product or service,
9% leave because of price, 5% leave for other reasons
and a whacking great 72% leave because of "supplier
indifference".Too many suppliers give customers the impression that they
don't care about repeat business. I've stayed in hotels,
dealt with banks and building societies and dealt with
suppliers who didn't seem to care whether I came back or
not.We need to continually let our customers know we care about
them. We need to keep in touch, write to them, send them
information and occasionally 'phone them. When they contact
us we need to make sure we sound warm and friendly, pleased
to hear from them, efficient and maybe even look and sound
like we're fun to do business with.
It's not a lot different from our personal relationships. If
we don't keep telling
the people close to us how much we care and keep writing and
'phoning, then we shouldn't be too surprised if they leave
us one day.Use logic and emotion to keep your customers. Give them the
best products and service and give great value for money.
However, always remember, your competitors will be doing
much the same thing. The difference will be determined by
how you communicate with your customers on an emotional
level, either face to face, on the 'phone, by letter or
email.I bought a new car from a local dealer a few years ago. I've
never heard from them since. A dealer for the same brand of
car fifty miles away writes regularly with details of
special offers. They send a regular news letter and the
occasional very courteous 'phone call. I'm going to change
my car soon, guess who'll be getting the sale?Discover how you can generate more business without having
to cold call!Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Sales
without Selling" This book is packed with practical things
that you can do to â€" get customers to come to you .
Click here now
Category : Careers

Translation Companies: Putting Prospective Vendors in The Hot Seat

Author : Fred Zacharias
Clearly you see the advantages of localizing your website, or business materials for a foreign target market, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article right now.You have gone through many translators, and some have produced excellent works, while others produced junk you wouldn't even put through your shredder to conserve electricity. Well in the first case, all you need to do is put the best translators on retainer or hire them outright as a full employee depending on your needs.Yes folks, like most hiring decisions whether outsourcing or in-company hiring, it's hit and miss. However here are a few ways you can reduce the chances that the translator you hire will not disappoint you too much.1. Do cross references. Common sense right? Well do it for freelancers as well, perhaps even more so when it comes to important matters such as business translation. You only get one chance to make a good first impression. Call previous clients, employers, etc.2. Review their portfolio. OK, clearly you cannot read anything they write, but at first glance see if they've translated for related target markets that you yourself are aiming for. If you feel you've caught a lead then hire someone else to review the material and see if it's up to par.3. Tying along with the portfolio point, see if they've been responsible for translating larger scope and scale projects. Have they translated something that was put into mass circulation, made available to the mass airwaves, viewable on TV, won any awards, etc. That is a big selling point.Wonderful translation companies items can be downloaded from our web page.http://www.translationserviceguide.com
Category : Business:Outsourcing

วันพุธที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Zoom into Reality and Zip the Fluff

Author : Lin Miao
I can’t remember how many times when I ask my friends exactly what the problem is, their reply would always be five to ten minutes of continual beating around the bush excuses, instead of explaining in two to three sentences what the problem really is. My father was the kind of guy who “tell it as it is.” There was no “well, maybe, unless, perhaps, or nearly, it was either a “yes” or a “no”. So even in my early childhood, I learned really fast to always be clear, objective, honest and straightforward with him or else I won’t get anywhere.Now that I am a little older, I am very much appreciative of my father’s attitude, although sometimes it was frustrating to get a “tell it as it is” reply. However, as I observe my friends in how they handle problems and make choices, I can’t tell you how many minutes, hours and days they waste “beating around the bush”. Their skill of making up their minds and taking advantage of beneficial opportunities was often disappointing. Life waits for no one. Nobody owes you anything. Opportunities come and go in an instant. What you decide today, affects tomorrow. The difference between victory and defeat could be measured in .001 of a second difference.I challenge you to set a clear and straightforward vision for your future. When positive opportunities arise, you seize the moment and never look back. When problems arise, you zip the fluff, you cut down the bush, admit your problems, admit your weaknesses and fix them. There’s nothing worse than constantly giving excuses and never fixing the problem. Think of how long you’ll last in your future career if you always responded to your boss, “it’s not my fault.”The top 1-2% of teens that later arise to becoming great, powerful and respected society members learned early, the lesson of accepting the situation and making the most of it. It doesn’t matter if you or your parents live in luxury or bare essentials, abusive parents, suicidal/drugs/alcoholic friends or family members, disability/cancer or disease, bullied constantly, harassed, denied of necessities, or tragic and emotional moments, powerful and effective teens learn to accept what has happened, zoom into reality and zip the fluff. An old proverb rings true “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me”.Known as The Miao, Lin Miao Executive Director of LinCity.com - http://www.lincity.com - The Ultimate Online Teen City, is labeled as one of the most powerful and inspirational teen speaker in the subject of Teen Leadership. He is also the Chief Information Officer for United Planet - The Largest Cultural Exchange - lin@lincity.com
Category : Ezine Publishing

The Gift of Gratitude

Author : Diane Harmony

Surprise! The Season of Giving isn?t over. As a matter of fact, it?s just begun!During 2006, you can come right here to receive 5 Gifts that are guaranteed to change your life. They are free for the receiving. However, the only way they will be of value to you is if you give them on regular basis. The Gifts - an acronym for Gratitude, Intentions, Forgiveness, Tithing and Surrender - when given, will create a Consciousness of Wealth in every area of your life. Are you ready to receive a whole new consciousness? Then, please take the first Gift: Gratitude."Gratitude is the Gift of being thankful." In living an Abundant Life, giving this Gift becomes the prayer of the heart that opens your life to the riches contained in it. So begins the chapter on this powerful Gift in my book 5 Gifts for an Abundant Life. It is a wonderful spiritual practice that I invite you to claim as your first intention. The power of Gratitude is unleashed when we are thankful for everything and everyone in our lives - and I mean everything and everyone. Why? Because out of an attitude of Gratitude, we create an "altitude" from which to behold our lives. When we are thankful, we are connecting with the heart of a situation or person. Thus the act of being grateful gives us the wings to transcend the personality or circumstance, and live in the Love that is back of it all. The truth is that it is impossible to give the Gift of Gratitude and entertain any other feeling or emotion at the same time. "Thank you, God" (or "Spirit" or "Universe" or what ever you choose to call that Power that is greater than we are) are three of the most important words you can use during your day. By giving thanks - for the food you are about to eat; the traffic on the freeway; the rude salesperson; your partner for a gift; your child for helping you - you express a form of prayer that allows you to witness the Divine in it all, while at the same time saving yourself from spending energy on less desirable emotional responses. What a way to live!And, there?s another bonus in giving this Gift of Gratitude. Giving thanks for what we would like more of in our lives actually sets up the vibration of receptivity for that desire to manifest. By being grateful for that which has not yet shown up in form, we "move from perceived limitations into the passion of possibilities, without attachment to 'how' our good is to be manifested," I write in the 5 Gifts book. It?s so simple.And so I give you the Gift of Gratitude. Please accept it and remember; the way to increase its value is to give it at every opportunity. You will soon realize a profound Truth: By giving this Gift you name your entire life a Blessing. Diane Harmony is in the business of personal and spiritual empowerment. She is an author, platform speaker, workshop/class teacher and facilitator, ordained Minister of Religious Science and guide on spiritual retreats. Diane has been published in Science of Mind Magazine, Awareness Magazine, Inner Visions Magazine, and Daily Guides of Prayer. She is the author of the award winning book, 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life: Create a Consciousness of Wealth. A gifted teacher, Diane has taught over 40 prosperity classes to hundreds of students. In 2002, she succeeded in successfully creating an 8 week Prosperity Course entitled 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life! Today, Diane is the leader of her own company, Universal Harmony Inc., whose vision is to empower the planet?s population with the spiritual insight, knowledge and tools to live life in abundance, joy and peace.?You can visit her web site at: 5 Gifts

Category : General Religion

Healthcare is not only about health insurance

Author : Michael Sanford

Healthcare is not only about health insurance. Health care literally means how one cares for health. The best health insurance is the knowledge a person can acquire about personal health. This kind of health insurance is affordable for everyone and accessible everyday. Care for Your health by learning about it. This is the best insurance for Your health. It does not cost money. Staying healthy is very important for everyone. More and more people are now recognizing the need to be concerned about their health. You health is your most important asset. Health care education at the moment is only meant for people who want to become physicians, pharmacists, nurses, medical technologists, or related health care professionals. Healthcare education is thus basically a specialized subject you can choose at college or university level. This is fine; healthcare needs to be a specialized subject for professionals only, but primary health care should also be promoted among the masses. Today healthcare has become a complex issue with many hurdles and hindrances.Every day new diseases and illness and their related complications are being discovered. People need to learn how to take better care of themselves and their loved ones and stay safe and healthy. By primary health care we mean basic health care. People need to learn that by eating right, becoming physically active and going for regular medical check ups as they grow older, they can keep most harmful diseases and conditions away. Avoiding alcohol and not smoking also improves a person??s quality of life. By simply following these basics most people can stay healthy. Most conditions like heart disease, kidney and liver problems, and diabetes are all caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, being obese and living a sedentary existence. Health education needs to be promoted at the primary school level, by teaching kids how to stay safe and healthy. School is the best place to teach children as they can then further influence their parents and siblings as well. In the U.S., high school drop outs are a common phenomenon, however completing a primary school education is a must for all. Health care practitioners can better reach the general public, by teaching primary school children the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. By teaching kids the basics they can better understand how to take care of themselves and their families. Health education should also be provided across all segments of society so that everyone both rich and poor can have the right to a healthy life. Staying healthy should not be an exclusive for some. By promoting healthcare education to the masses at primary school levels, more people can come understand the necessity of regular doctor??s visits and taking better care of their health.Quality health care is the right of each and every individual. Presently in the U.S. the health-care system is incapable of meeting the present, let alone the future needs of the public.By educating the masses about personal health care a lot of preventable disease can actually be prevented without people having to visit the doctor and experiment with new and expensive treatments and medication.The masses need to be taught how to better look after themselves through, community programs at town halls or at the primary school level, by qualified healthcare professionals. This way they themselves can prevent the onset of dangerous diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, kidney problems, obesity, and diabetes; and reduce the incidence and complications of other diseases and illnesses associated. By promoting healthy behavior, health care professionals can also reduce the need of people taking costly medications. All people require is the implementation of simple lifestyle changes, and their chances for developing serious health problems diminish greatly. By not smoking, consuming less alcohol, eating healthy, and by working out people can actually improve the quality of their lives and their health. By promoting these basic core health care values and by educating the masses, people can actually learn to take better care, not only of themselves but others as well. Encouragement should be given on individual, family and group levels, so that the general public can better take care of their own physical, mental and emotional health. Healthcare is not a business, but a service. And healthcare education should be provided at the basic grassroots levels to ensure a much healthier general public. Thereby, also reduced the rising costs of health care. The importance of any health care education cannot be underestimated, as we need health care professionals to keep us well; be it a doctor, lab technician, pharmacist or even nurse. Each of these professionals have their own unique skill and function. What a doctor can do, no nurse can, and what a pharmacist can do, no technician can. There are a whole host of health care professionals, some we know and some who work behind the scenes to make keep us healthy and well. From lab technologist, radiographer, and MRI technologist to nurses, respiratory therapists, BME technicians, doctors and pharmacists, all these professionals play a vital role in our safety and well-being. Health care education is very vital, as our health depends on the skill and accuracy of each of these individuals. Healthcare professionals are healers, caregivers, motivators, and teachers, and their importance lies in the fact that without them, we would not be able to diagnose, treat or take proper care of ourselves. However also equally important is the need for regular people to be better educated about taking care of each other. Lay people need to be educated about the various diseases and illness out there that can endanger their lives. This way they can look after their own health and not totally rely on a doctor. The importance of healthcare education for the masses cannot be stressed on enough. The general public needs to be better educated and informed about their own health. This is an important issue that needs to be addressed and soon. People need to understand that their health care is in their own hands. They have to take care of themselves, not the doctor. The message that needs to be spread is that health care education should now be promoted among school goings kids, so that children while growing up can learn how to look after themselves and can pass on this message to their families and friends. Society needs to realize that the numbers of patients far outweigh the number of doctors available, and people need to look after their own health. By introducing and endorsing health care to the public at all levels, from school programs to community programs, the importance of health care can be better emphasized and the need to look after ones self can be better illustrated. More needs to be done to improve the field of health care education so that the nation in general can live a much healthier life.

Category : Gourmet Cooking

5 Simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques

Author : admin@informativeresources.com

The lifeblood of any website/ecommerce business is traffic, and every webmaster knows the best type of traffic is natural, organic search engine traffic. There are two very important reasons for this: (1) it is extremely targeted, and (2) It is FREE! The hard part is getting top ranking for your sites keywords... or is it? The purpose of this article is to provide a few simple, effective, and most important, search engine friendly strategies to help boost your websites' ranking and ultimately your traffic. 1. We will start with the Meta Tags. I know you have already heard of, and are probably currently using meta tags on your site. This is great. I just want to make sure you are using them effectively. We will only go over 2 tags: the "title" tag, and the "description" tag. We will not go over the "keywords" tag, as the major search engines have placed less and less weight on this one, and some would argue this tag has no weight at all. I still use this tag however, as I feel there is some merit and no drawbacks to using this tag. I have found it effective to use similar text in the "title" and "description" tags, and to place your keywords prominently in these tags (near the beginning and more than once). I have seen sites with "sitename.com", "New Page 1", or "Welcome to my site" in the "title" tag, which really does not help in their quest for higher rankings for their particular keyword. Also, try not to use words such as "and", "or", or "the" in these tags. **Important note about your keywords. Search engines evaluate keyword prominence, keyword weight, and keyword density when determining a site's ranking. All three are calculated individually for the page, the title tag, the description tag, as well as other areas on a page. Keyword prominence means how close the keyword is to the beginning of your page. Keyword weight refers to how many times a particular keyword or phrase can be found on the page. Keyword density is the ratio of the keyword to the other words on the page. You do not want the keyword weight or density to be too high, as this can appear to the search engine as "keyword stuffing" and most search engines penalize sites that stuff their keywords. 2. Place your navigational links (and JavaScript) at the right or at the bottom, but not on the left, of the page. When the search engines "read" your site, they read from the top left to the bottom right. Search engines place an emphasis on the first 100 words or text on the site. You do not want these words to be navigational links or Javascript. Ideally, you want to have your heading tags with your keywords in the beginning of your page. This being said, placing your links/JavaScript on the right or bottom of your page ensures the search engine spiders get to the text first, giving more weight to what's important on your page. 3. Place alt tags on all of your images. Search engine spiders cannot "read" pictures or images. The only way a spider knows what an image is about is by reading the alt tag. This is also another chance to place more of your keywords in your HTML, improving your page's keyword weight/density. Alt tags are easy to make and they can make a big difference in your sites keyword ranking. A simple alt tag looks like this: alt="put your keyword phrase here." Search engines separately calculate keyword prominence, density, and weight in alt tags as well, so optimize your tags.4. Place your keywords at the bottom of your page. Just as search engines place more weight on the first words of your page, they also do the same to the last words. The general thinking is this, if your site is about a certain subject, then the main points, or keywords, should, appear at the beginning, be spread throughout the page, and be prominent at the conclusion. But if you have all of your navigational links and JavaScript at the bottom, your relevant page text could end well before the HTML does. An easy way to have your keywords at the bottom of your page is to include them in the copyright information. For example, if you have a dog food website, you could have something like this at the very bottom of the page: copyright 2005 yoursite.comWorld's best dog food Search engines are not (as of this writing), penalizing sites using this technique, and it wouldn't really make much sense for them to do so. 5. The Anchor Text of your links. Anchor text is the actual linking text on a site. It is what the user clicks on to navigate to that particular site or page. If a search engine finds many links to your site using the term "dog food", then the search engine concludes your site is about "dog food". This is overlooked quite often, but it seems to have a very large impact on your search engine rankings for a particular keyword. Your anchor text needs to be the keyword or phrase you are trying to target. Try to avoid anchor text such as "Click Here" or "yoursite.com" Also, if you're running a reciprocal link campaign, be sure to use variations of your text. If an engine notices every link to your site is identical, it could place less weight on these links or potentially penalize your site. This is because search engines generally give more weight to "naturally occurring" links, and less to "reciprocal link exchange campaigns". Using different, but relevant anchor text can dramatically affect your targeted keyword rankings, by making your links appear more natural. Effective SEO may seem difficult at first, but as you have read above, little tricks that require little or no programming knowledge, can make a huge impact on your website's keyword ranking.Noah Ulrich is webmaster of http://www.informativeresources.com His site provides top quality resale rights to ebooks and software, real quality guaranteed signups for your program, and real guaranteed web traffic and visitors to businesses worldwide. Noah Ulrich is webmaster of http://www.informativeresources.com. His site provides top quality resale rights, guaranteed signups, and web traffic to businesses worldwide.

Category : General SE Tactics

Order Your Hanging Bird Feeders Online

Author : Pam Caouette

Order your hanging bird feeder online. Hanging bird feeders are a great way to attract birds to your backyard. Hanging bird feeders attract a variety of birds to your back yard depending on your bird seed choice.Sunflowers, mixed bird seed, black oil sunflower or safflower seeds will ensure that your feathered friends will not go hungry. Hanging bird feeders are easily maintained, you simply have to hang them in a spot and fill them with bird food. Here are some of the birds that you can expect with these types of bird seed:Black-oil sunflower seed - goldfinches, woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, redpolls, pine siskinsSafflower seed - chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, finches, cardinals, grosbeaksMixed seed - doves, Carolina wrens, thrashers, cardinals, sparrows, juncos, goldfinches, woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, white-throated sparrows, white crowned sparrows, jays, purple finchesWith a hanging bird feeder you are sure to have a variety of birds come to your back yard. Hanging bird feeders, like all bird feeders need to be kept full of bird seed. If you notice in your hanging bird feeder that the bird food is moldy or changing colors, you should switch all the old bird seed out for fresh bird seed. This will keep the birds coming to your hanging bird feeder.Hanging bird feeders are a great way to enjoy watching birds. Hanging bird feeders are also great for the birds because they are usually too far out of reach for cats. When hanging a hanging bird feeder be sure to check it for security, as the strings or branch may weaken.When looking at hanging bird feeders there are different types of hanging bird feeders. There is a "classic hanging bird feeder" typically made of wood, or know as a "cedar bird feeder" Then there is the "plastic hanging bird feeder." As well as the "tube bird feeder." These are all great hanging bird feeders, and all serve a similar purpose, the main difference will be with your style.Remember to clean your humming bird feeder at least twice a week, more often in very warm climates or seasons. And keep your feeder full! Hummingbirds may not return to a feeder that they have found to be empty.Direct page: http://www.aplusbirdfeeders.com/Main_Pages/hanging_bird_feeders.htm Pam Caouette is the lead author for http://www.aplusbirdfeeders.com.http://wwww.aplusbirdfeeders.com offers great information on wild birds, bird feeders and birdseed. Visit http://www.aplusbirdfeeders.com for a wealth of information.

Category : General Gardening

Debt Relief Information

Author : Keith Hoyng
Consolidate your bills in no time and save monthly. Don't choose bankruptcy as an only solution to remove debt. This will cause financial woes for years to come. Choose a debt help management company who specializes in helping with debt reduction! Some companies will offer free analysis for debt reduction, consolidation and consultation. They specialize in reducing debt and beginning your road to financial recovery. Some debt help management companies have a minimum amount you have to be in debt where as others will help with debt problems regardless of the amount.When people are in debt, some of them will apply for a large loan to "pay" off their debt. This will not help getting out of this bad situation since large loans tend to carry a large interest rate. Most banks do not give loans to people who are currently in debt thus the reason for high interest rates.Bad debt usually brings bad credit. When a creditor decides that they can not collect the debt from you, they will write it off as bad debt or worthless. When this happens, your credit takes a hit and it will take a long time to recover. You will have a hard time trying to apply for any type of loan when your credit is labeled as worthless.A goal when looking for debt consolidation loans should be combining one or more loans together to save money. When researching consolidation loans, you need to look at the interest rate, the payment amount and the savings amount. Most people who borrow with a number of unsecured loans will find that they can replace those loans with a single secured loan. By paying only one loan, the monthly payments may be reduced and the interest rate may be lowered. With debt consolidation the savings occur because the monthly payments are reduced to only one, the interest rate is usually reduced and the loan period is extended.For advice on debt consolidation, ask a debt consolidation company. It can be the cheapest and best way to get advice. These consolidation companies are experienced with debt help and can determine what can be done to become debt free. Debt consolidation should be considered only if you are more than a few thousand dollars in debt otherwise the consolidation might not be worth it to you. One criteria usually involved to get into consolidation is you must have a job. This ensures that you have something to pay off the debt.If you feel you need to become debt free, do some research on the debt consolidation companies and research the different settlement programs that are available.Keith Hoyng is the web master and operator of http://www.quickcash2u.com which is a good source of financial information and much more information.
Visit this site at http://www.quickcash2u.com/DebtHelp.html
Category : Finance:Debt-Relief

Gaining a Child's Trust

Author : Rexanne Mancini

My daughters and I went to the beach several weeks ago. They were having a blast playing in the freezing cold water as I tiptoed around the waves, trying to keep my feet from becoming frost bitten. Next to us in the water was a mother with her daughter who was no more than 18 months old. This woman was holding her frightened little girl hostage in the ocean as the bitter cold waves crashed into her and rushed back with a fierce undertow. The poor child was screaming and crying, begging to be rescued from the torture. Her mother thought this was amusing. She laughed at her baby?s fear and grinned at everyone around her. I was disgusted and horrified. I finally told the mother that I didn?t find the situation at all funny. I have no idea if my words had any impact. By then, my own kids had finally remembered they had nerve endings and were shivering uncontrollably, begging for the warmth of their dry towels and warm sweatshirts. We left the water?s edge and the sickening site of mother traumatizing baby. Did this mother realize she was probably investing her daughter with an irrational fear of the ocean? I doubt it. When I see a parent forcing a child to tolerate something potentially fear inducing, it curdles my blood. This child was traumatized and her mother was not helping her escape the offensive waves. She was the cause of her child?s trauma. Where is the trust in this relationship? Will this little girl grow up believing that her mother will always be there for her or resent her mom for belittling her sensitivities? I think the latter. I dread thinking about all the ways this child will, in turn, torture her mother without realizing why. Will she try drugs or alcohol at an early age? Will she indulge in promiscuous sexual behavior at an inappropriate time? Will she be so anesthetized to her self-worth that she drives her first car into a wall at 18? Could be. In my opinion, this mother is treating her baby with disrespect at the most basic level. Instinctual fear is not something we should laugh at our toddler for having, thereby teaching her that her feelings and natural fear of big looming ice cold waves or any other potentially frightening fact of life is dismissed as meaningless. To this child, Mom is saying her whole existence is disdained, her feelings don?t matter and her mother is not there to protect her but to throw her into the pits of hell for her own amusement. I?ve seen this happen at amusement parks, playgrounds and schools. No matter what your child is afraid of, respect his fear, acknowledge his trepidation of the unknown and understand that with compassion and tolerance, he will overcome these basic, natural fears with time and maturity. Some children are more sensitive than others. You might have a child who embraces adventure and roller coasters with passion or a child who is horrified by a small slide at the park. This is your baby. No matter what you think they should be feeling, they have their own wiring. They?re going to move at their own internal pace. Let?s respect and honor that pace which in turn shows our child that we respect and honor him. This sets a healthy foundation for self-esteem and self-respect, which is so very important for our children to function at their best in the world.Copyright ? 2000-2004- Rexanne Mancini About The AuthorRexanne Mancini is the mother of two daughters, Justice and Liberty. She is a novelist, freelance writer and maintains an extensive yet informal parenting and family web site, Rexanne.com ? http://www.rexanne.com -Visit her site for good advice, award-winning Internet holiday pages and some humor to help you cope. Subscribe to her free newsletter, Rexanne?s Web Review, for a monthly dose of Rexanne: http://www.rexanne.com/rwr-archives.html rexanne@rexanne.com

Category : Kids - Teen

Zero Cost Quality Traffic For Your Home Business

Author : Arun Pal Singh
Do you know that you can promote your home business absolutely free of cost? Moreover you can generate quality traffic of the potential prospects who will come to your site because they are interested in what you sell.Yes! It can be done absolutely free. And it is fun too.# Write and publish articles –This is the best traffic generation method. Write articles centered on the theme of your home business niche and submit them to the article directories. There are thousands of article website that are eager to publish your articles. When you write make it sure that you write an article well. Your article when published will be an unending source of quality traffic.Your resource box in the end of article will serve as the link to your website. Make your article interesting enough so that the reader reads till the end and is intrigued enough to click the link in the end.Writing a good article is not that difficult. Think about an idea and expand it. Write as much you can while taking care of the typos and grammatical error. After you finish it close it down and relax. Review it next day for editing. You will be surprised to find the changes you can make to improve your articles.Search for article directories in Google or Yahoo. Compile your own list and submit to them one by one. Most of article submissions are free. It may take a while when you do itg for the first time as you need to create account with the site before you can submit. After you are through with account creation the whole thing will become an easy process.A good article is judged by its content. It should be informative enough and of value for the publisher and the reader. Article body as such should not have links nor should it appear to be blatant sales letter. And of course no typos or grammatical error.# Blog them and receive them-Open an account with blogger.com. This easy setup doesn't take more than 15 minutes. Publish this on your site. Now you own a blog. You are free to write whatever you want. But again the content will draw most readers.You can put your links in your blog unlike restrictions in your articles. Write anything. About your experience, your problems or what you did today. Anything.Share your thoughts with the world. More frequently you write more is the traffic. If people like your blog they will visit again. Write at least daily for maximum gain# Free e-book -Write a report on what you know or about your business. Make an e-book out of that report. PDF books are easy to create and they can be created free at adobe.com without any purchase or liability of purchase. Post that e-book on your and your partners' site.Mention that people if interested can post it on there site for free. When customer loads it he will visit to your site by the contained link. When your e-book is distributed enough it will bring in substantial traffic# Acquire links –There are millions of websites. Just imagine if you have your links posted on 1000 sites out of them. Considering 1/10 click through rate you will receive at least 100 visitors per day considering one visitor per site. Do the math and think!More links you have more are the chances of getting visitors.Getting link is very easy now with free dedicated services being available like linkmarket.net. You just need to open an account and there you go for a link ride.One word of caution though. Exchange links with sites similar to your own business. And avoid link farms.If you are persistent with above methods you will see a consistent jump in the traffic over 4 - 6 months traffic and a better ranking in the search enginesGood luck. It is time for some work now...Copyright 2005 Arun Pal SinghArun Pal Singh, a successful marketer and writer offers a unique and duplicable business opportunity at http://www.homeforprofits.com. To avail his free Income Course, send an e-mail to subscribe@homeforprofits.com with subject 'subscribe'.
Category : Business:Traffic-Building

What's With the *#@*$?* Profanity at Work?

Author : Liz Ryan
A recent WorldWIT member survey showed that eighty percent of respondents had seen a rise in the use of profanity at work. That's no secret - no one would have guessed that things were headed in the opposite direction.The survey respondents also said that profanity is one way that people deal with stress at work. Well, we all know that work is stressful. But how do you deal with a workplace where the language is a little stronger than you’re comfortable with?Here are some tips for dealing with profanity at work:1) Everyone has his or her own comfort level with strong language. The best way to make your own tolerance level known is to comment (gently) when you hear something that’s just too harsh for your ears. You can say, “Yikes!” or “Eek!” or make some other exclamation, and then gently add, “Can I bother you to find a less colorful expression?” Ninety-five percent of people will get the hint.2) It’s important to distinguish between profanity that is used generally to let off steam, and profanity that is directed at a person. Its one thing to say, “This situation sucks, ” (a word which many people don’t even view as profane anymore) and another thing to say, “Joe Smith sucks in his job.” Even if you don’t mind mild profanity in general, it’s perfectly appropriate to say “You know, that’s not really a great way to talk about a colleague.”3) If you are overwhelmed by very strong language in your workplace, speak to your manager. People who are offended by profanity very often feel hesitant to speak up, because they fear that they won’t be viewed as sufficiently hard-core and tough about their jobs. Companies are becoming more diverse, and part of diversity is embracing all sorts of communication styles and values. No one should have to work in an F-this, F-that environment if they’re not comfortable.4) If you use more profanity at work than you’d like to, try cultivating a milder expression in the place of your most-often-used cuss words. Here are a bunch of tried-and-true substitutes: Judas Priest! Oh, fudge! Oh, sugar! If you fear that you’ll sound like Samantha from “Bewitched,” don’t worry; there are worse things. Better to be viewed as Tinkerbell than as a potty mouth.5) Take a quick ‘pulse’ survey in your office to find out what level of profanity is comfortable with your co-workers. HR or your manager can construct a quick online survey using Zoomerang.com, and find out where people’s comfort level lies. Some offices steer clear of even “hell” and “damn;” others stop at those two expressions. In some offices, the use of the long form of ‘mofo’ is as common as the use of ‘ this’ and ‘that.’ Find out what makes your teammates comfortable and what makes them edgy - then you can adjust your office norms to that standard.Liz Ryan is a former Fortune 500 HR executive, a workplace expert and the CEO of WorldWIT, the online network for professional women at http://www.worldwit.org She lives in Boulder, Colorado.
Category : Depression

Pet Therapy Given Major Boost

Author : Adele Sims

Americans spent over $32 billion on their pets last year â€" and $25 billion on their children. This may come as a bit of a shock, however, we are becoming more and more aware of the emotional and physical rewards of owning a pet â€" or especially a dog.
The converted will willingly tell you that owning a dog auto-matically gives you a constant companion, friend, confidante, exerciser and instinctive soul re-generator. Yet it is only in the last decade or so that we have taken pets seriously medically, much to our own detriment.
Nowadays though, pet therapy can be a very important feature of cancer recovery programs, prosthetic limb replacement recovery, treatment for depression, speech inducement for severely delayed children and of course, just sheer pleasure for the elderly in hospices and aged care facilities.
However, when you consider how many patients/clients and carers could benefit from the pure love and support of a pet, the supply can never keep up with demand â€" that is, not until now.
www.woofywarehouse.com is a new pet goods supplier that has come up with what they think will be the answer to the dilemma. Owner of www.woofywarehouse.com Adele Sims saw firsthand the effects of having a pet around â€" or not. “I was driving the children to school one morning and we saw a man walking along who was afflicted with muscular dystrophy. His walk was staggered and his bad arm swung like a broken wing as he headed for home. We have often passed him on his walks and had become quite accustomed to him as he walked up the middle of the road.
“This particular morning we noticed that a woman with a soft and beautiful golden retriever was coming up to him in the opposite direction. As the dog came closer and started wagging its tail the man became so excited that he just had to pat the dog. A huge smile beamed across his face as he touched the soft head of the dog who happily lapped up the attention. But the owner of the dog became a little alarmed at this stranger and started pulling the dog away so they could continue on their walk. She pulled the dog away and walked on, but the man stopped and watched the dog go. His face dropped, his head bowed and he just stood there for quite a while and watched as the dog disappeared around the corner. It was a very sad and moving experience for both myself and the boys as they saw the scenario unfold. From that time on I vowed I would do as much as I could to bring people and animals together. And having our own dog supplies warehouse we were in a unique position to be able to help,” she said.
For every purchase over $20 from its range, www.woofywarehouse.com will donate a percentage of profits to the Delta Society whose main aim is to incorporate the benefits of pet therapy into varied programs which target the physical, mental, educational and motivational areas of people’s lives.
With animal involve-ment in therapy, Delta Society has found that both fine and gross motor skills can be improved, as can wheelchair skills. It can also dispel loneliness and reduce anxiety, develop leisure skills and promote short or long-term memory.
The benefits are too numerous to count and now there is a way you can support this essential cause whilst providing your own dog with all the supplies that this little hero deserves.
“We have had our own special Joycie â€" a Belgian sheep dog â€" for over nine years now and we couldn’t imagine our family without her. We jokingly call her our third child and the boys talk about her as their hairy little sister. And when our older son was little he had some speech problems of his own that no amount of intervention or lessons or whatever, seemed to bring right. It wasn’t until he chose and named Joycie and started trying to train her that he started to get his words right. It was only then that he was able to give clear directions and for the first time in his life he was able to yell out commands. This sounds ridiculous I suppose, but he had never been able to do that before â€" his words would always fade away. Joycie made a huge impact on his life and they are inseparable friends. We often find our son talking to her as if she were a best buddy and Joycie smiles and listens and nuzzles him as if she understands every word. She comes everywhere with us and is a much loved family member. If we can help bring some of this joy to others then we would consider ourselves to be very blessed.” Adele went on to say.
www.woofywarehouse.com will also give you the links and contacts you need to volunteer your services to assist others along their journey to recovery and wellness. You will also receive a complimentary “My Dog Cares“ Certificate, downloadable with your details.

About The Author

Adele Sims is the co-owner and director of http://www.woofywarehouse.com and has long been a protagonist for the increased recognition of the value of including pets in the family/community realms. The health benefits of owning a pet are phenomenal and it's time now to celebrate that by supporting caring organisations who advocate the same.

Category : Arts & Entertainment

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The Unique Marketing Force Driving Online Poker Room Growth

Author : Blake Stevenson
The vast majority of Internet sites are fully signed up members of the online affiliate program industry. It is a huge business based around an extremely simple premise, the simplicity is optimised by the continued success of the websites that have taken up the affiliate challenge. Wherever advertising appears on a site on the Internet it is almost exclusively part of an affiliate program. The affiliates are rewarded by sites for bringing in new customers or generating extra sales, with either a one-off payment or a percentage scheme. Many of today's booming online industry owe a great deal to the success of their affiliates. Online shops, auctions and gaming sites have all utilised the affiliate programs to maximise individual sites visibility and to generate extra revenue.Online gaming and more particularly the poker industry have been one of the largest benefactors of the affiliate program. Like so many of the online industries, poker sites have utilised the program to maximise their reach and to optimise their clientele. The affiliate programs work with sites commissioning other sites to host advertising. The poker site does not need to pay their affiliate until a new customer is generated by the affiliate, a player that is identified by a unique URL. By marking out individual players and where they have emanated from, the affiliate program site or the poker room can track the progress and the earnings of individuals. Being able to monitor the progress of an individual customer is a particularly relevant to the poker affiliate program due to the way in which it is run.In a poker affiliate scheme an affiliate has the opportunity to earn a percentage of the money generated for every player that they encourage to join. Unlike so many of the other affiliate programs, this share of a players money is not limited to a single purchase or a few months, it is for the entire lifetime of that player. It is through this that the poker affiliate market has become so popular with a number of sites, both new and established. By earning a cut of a poker sites revenue the affiliates can earn significant amounts of money spread over any amount of time. This ingenuity and increased reward system has not only lead to a huge rise in the affiliate markets income and membership quota, but also in the revenue of the poker sites that they represent. Affiliates are aware that the more players they attract the more money they make, so it is in all of their best interests to attract as many as possible. With such a huge spread of affiliate sites, this mass-marketing program has enabled the poker sites to reap the rewards and become market leaders or great pretenders.Discover how to become a super poker affiliate by promoting the best poker affiliate programs at http://www.epokeraffiliate.com/
Category : Business:Affiliate-Revenue

Research for Better Web Copywriting

Author : Greg Ray
One of the hardest things for me to learn when I started selling products online was writing good copy. You know things like eye popping headlines and great sales copy. To tell you the truth I struggled for a few years. Writing copy for your web site can be a very tedious and nerve wracking experience. There is nothing like the feeling that you just wrote a killer web copy just to find out that it will not make one single sale.I discovered, after many failures and success, that you only have a split second to grab someone's attention on your web site. You only have a few more seconds in direct mail and other sales copy. So the words in all of you sales material are important to converting your prospects into buyers.Web copy requires its own unique approach in order to be as successful as possible.Customers have become more sophisticated and much more skeptical when it comes to advertising, especially on the Internet. So it's essential that you get things right the first time, or else you'll lose the chance of making a sale.One crucial thing you must do is conduct exhaustively detailed research before you ever write a word of copy. This is particularly true when it comes to web copywriting. A lot of people are under the illusion that writing powerful sales copy is hard. Writing hard-hitting sales copy is actually quite easy. In fact, most of the best sales copy nearly writes itself. The reason the best sales copy nearly writes itself is that the copywriter took all the necessary time and went to all the necessary effort to do comprehensive research before ever writing a word.Etch this point permanently into your brain. Most of the copywriters that I really respect (because their copy has sold millions of dollars worth of goods) write very quickly. Again, this is because they invested the time and effort up front to do the proper research.Once you know your subject inside and out, it's easy to write about it. This is also why many owners of small businesses write copy that's vastly superior to what they'd get from an outside copywriter. Small business owners know their product, their market, and all the hot buttons from top to bottom. So their copy shines and sells like crazy. But many professional copywriters are lazy and arrogant. They think they know everything there is to know about copywriting. So they feel it's below them to have to bother with something as mundane as research. Consequently, their copy is lukewarm, ineffective filler that never reaches its intended goal: to increase sales and profits.How important is the research process to creating a really successful web marketing piece? The process of creating great sales copy is 70% research and 30% writing. The secret to writing copy that breaks all performance records is research, research, and more research. You can't afford to take chances. If you really want to make your sales piece, and your business, as successful as possible, it's crucial that you master the simple process of good research.A veteran of the Internet since the early 90's, Greg Ray writes quality content, is an on-line marketer and web designer for various websites.For more information about effective web copywriting, just visit Greg's web site:
Category : Writing-and-Speaking:Copywriting

Keep Your Peace Of Mind With A Vehicle Tracking Device

Author : Nathan T. Lynch
A vehicle tracing system is a great device for security and productivity. This is used by both individuals and corporations to keep track of their vehicles. You can typically get a discount on auto insurance from having a vehicle tracking system on your car. This is because with a vehicle tracking system, your car is more likely to be recovered than without. This ensures that your damages will be much less expensive to repair if any repair is needed at all. Insurance companies like this fact because they will not have to pay out large sums of money in case of auto theft. Individuals like this because they will be more likely to have their vehicle back. Even with insurance, the amount of money you get for your vehicle if it is stolen usually does not account for all the money you put into it. Having a car stolen can be a very frustrating and expensive experience that is not worth it in the long run.A vehicle tracking system is also used by corporations. Not only is it a good security measure for anti theft, it is a good way to check on productivity of drivers. For a company that has a fleet of vehicles security is very important. This is true for both the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle. A company can track where a vehicle is at any given time to see if the truck is being used somewhere it is not supposed to be. If it is very much off course, the company can contact the driver to see if there is a problem. It is also good for productivity. Because the company can see where the vehicle is at any given time, they can better keep track of their merchandise and their employees. If a driver is continually going off route, they may be running personal errands instead of doing the job they are supposed to be doing. Also, if a driver is lost, someone at the control center will be able to give them directions on how to get to their destination by seeing where they are and where they need to be going.Great for any business that has a fleet of vehicles. Vehicle tracking devises
provides a peace of mind that every business owner needs. Check out our invaluable articles and resources.
Category : Automotive

A Guide to Punta Cana

Author : Jennifer Bailey

When Christopher Columbus called the Dominican Republic ""the most beautiful land on earth,"" he did not realize that it would one day be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean. Columbus could well have been referring to Punta Cana!Located on the southeast coast of the Dominican Republic, Punta Cana is a nature lover?s paradise with 20 miles of white, unspoiled sandy beaches lined with swaying coconut palms. What makes this stunning Caribbean island all the more inviting is the average year-round temperature of 25?C (77?F) and an average water temperature of 23?C (74?F). Punta Cana?s shoreline is protected by law, ensuring that no manmade structure can detract from its natural beauty. The calm, tranquil beaches with their warm tropical breezes are perfect for those who love the outdoors and adventure travel. Visitors can enjoy their favorite water sports amidst the stunning scenery. Whether it?s diving, a 4x4 motorbike excursion along the beach, swimming with dolphins or taking a walk in the jungle, Punta Cana has something for everyone. Apart from its breathtaking beaches, Punta Cana has a 2,000-acre natural forest reserve maintained by the Punta Cana Ecological Foundation and 14 kilometers of protected coral reef directly parallel to the coast. Punta Cana also has a number of unique natural features like freshwater lagoons and coastal mangroves that make it a delight both for visitors and environmentalists.For the most part, Punta Cana has a European ambiance as can be seen in its European style hotels. Punts Cana is hardly a town; it is more of a resort area. The cheap prices of land have attracted many a hotel owner to set up hotels and resorts with extensive facilities for swimming, water sports and golf. Most resorts have their own golf courses, each of them well maintained and situated in stunning locales, making them second to none.Other attractions for visitors are the Manati Park Bavaro, with performing dolphins and sea lions, an authentic replica of an ancient Taino Indian Village and more. Its no wonder that Punta Cana is called an escapist?s dream! Punta Cana Info provides detailed information about Punta Cana resorts, hotels, real estate, beaches, weather, and the Punta Cana airport. Punta Cana Info is the sister site of Cozumel Web.

Category : General Travel and Leisure

Ice Fishing Can be a very exciting experience

Author : Robert W. Benjamin

One of the most popular recreational forms of fishing in Scandinavia, Russia and Germany is Ice Fishing, a sport also practiced in Canada and the United States, not only during winter, but also all year round in Alaska. However the most popular place to enjoy this activity is in the Great Lakes. Considered originally from Scandinavia, it was brought to America by Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish settlers arriving to Minnesota, a state where people from Nordic families is totally engaged in this sport. Ice fishing was exported to Canada from Minnesota and from here, it also arrived in Alaska.Minnesotans found ice fishing an entertaining option, keeping in mind that the Great Lakes are often totally frozen, with the only exception being Lake Erie. When the bays of the Great Lakes freeze, yellow perch and northern pike are the most common catches waiting for enthusiasts of this sport. Ice fishing is practiced catching fish with lines and spears or hooks by opening a hole in the frozen lake to fish through. Depending on personal preferences, fishermen can sit in a heated cabin on the ice or on a stool placed on the open expanse of the frozen lake. Cabins are more popular indeed, because most of them have bunks and diverse amenities.From all the forms of fishing, ice fishing is perhaps the activity requiring less effort and skill, just patience, good luck and the inner conviction of enjoy doing nothing else that sitting on ice, if not physical, at least exposed to low temperatures. For some people, this condition may appear unappealing but in the northern states, ice fishing is considered a serious entertaining activity with competitions and contests offering good prizes to people with the largest fish catches within a limited period of time.One of the contests attracting more people every year is held at the Houghton Lake in Michigan. The "Tip-Up Town, USA", an annual festival celebrated the last 56 years ago during the second third of winter, and enhanced with other snow related activities such as strolling, snowmobiling, snow-sculpting and fireworks, in conjunction with Ice fishing.While in the United States, Ice fishing contests have a prevalent carnival like atmosphere, full of camaraderie, in Finland, ice fishing contests have been defaced after repeated scandals involving both organizers and contestants, who have been caught cheating, making people belief this is not a sport, but just a pastime. However, in the United States there is an association supporting ice fishing activities, the American Ice Fishing Association (AIFA), which says that ice fishing contributes to managing the fish species population, and the economic growth of the community, bringing calming and relaxing effects of well being to all the participants.Because ice fishing can be something more than a one-day experience, there are shelters conveniently located for longer fishing expeditions. Some others are mounted on-demand using sim relaxing effects of well being to all the partiple structures, although the larger heated structures are basic for the success of fishing trips lasting several days.There is a website that describes boat fishing, ice fishing, and has info on numerous freshwater fish, baits, and lures, plus other great freshwater fishing tips. The website is called: Fishing Stringer, and may be found at this address:http://www.fishingstringer.comBy Robert W. BenjaminCopyright 2006 You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections. Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 5 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25+ years. He first released software on the AMIGA and C64 computer systems in the late 1970's-80's.RB59 Softwarehttp://www.rb59.com/software

Category : General Sports: Fishing

Save Money With Hi-Tech Bundled Services

Author : Titus Hoskins
Forget about the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, or
even the Computer Age; we are now living in the
Age of the Bundle!We are entering the Age of hi-tech bundled services
that cater to all our modern communication needs. We
are gradually seeing all our services like high-speed
Internet, Phone, Fax, Gaming, Radio and TV bundled into
one package and one source. All-in-one basic rate for
all your communication services.Your Internet or ISP service has long been bundled
or combined with your cable TV service. With the
proliferation of so many wireless devices into our
daily lives; expect much more bundling in the future
and also expect that bundling to go wireless.Why? Because consumers want it.According to an Ipsos Study, Americans are ready for
bundled communications services with 16% saying they
would switch to a bundle service if it included wireless
phone service. With just the combination of telephone,
television and high-speed Internet around 7% said they
would switch.Welcome to the Battle of the Bundle.Major Internet providers and major telecom giants are
raging a fierce head-on battle for your patronage of
their bundled services. Billions are being poured into
this battle from big players such as Verizon, Comcast Corp.,
Bell South, SBC, DirecTV and many more.The battle is being fought by three major fractions:
Cable TV providers, ISP providers and Telephone providers.
And the battle is heating up and consumers are reaping the
benefits. For some time now, we have seen the steady increase
of Broadband or Internet Phone services, offering lower
rates and better discounts. This is a new use of Internet
technology that is increasing in popularity as more
and more customers get Broadband Internet services
in their homes.As our world goes wireless, the use of cell phones
and notebook computers are increasing every day. So
too are hand-held devices like the Blackberry, further
fueling the demand for all forms of communication,
Phone, TV, Radio, Gaming, Fax and Internet to be
delivered to these wireless devices.We all have a basic need to be connected at all
times with our loved ones, businesses and colleagues.
The wireless age has set the stage for an all-in-
one Communication/Internet/TV/Phone/Fax/Gaming/Radio
solution that has a definite appeal to consumers.
A bundled package which will take care of all your
communication needs in one monthly bill.All this competition for your monthly bundled
communication services can only spell good news
for the consumer. Shop around and you will save
money on your monthly bill. Whether it's $10, $20,
$30 or more OFF your monthly charges -- this will
quickly add up over time -- saving you big bucks
in the long run. It is definitely worth your while
to check out the different bundled service providers
in your area to find the best deal. You should even
check with your current Cable TV or Telecom provider
to see if they offer bundled services. You may be
pleasantly surprised at the savings each month.It makes economic sense. It makes practical sense.
Have all your telecommunication services bundled
into one package and save money.It also makes sense to present or offer all these
services in one small hand-held wireless device.
Whether it is a full featured cell phone that also
offers Internet/Fax/TV/Gaming/Radio or a small portable
laptop/hand-held. Expect this system to evolve into a
totally wireless satellite service, available anywhere
in the world or universe. Cables are old school.If we have learned anything from history, we should
realize or know by now where there is a need, technology
will supply the solution. Economic forces will connect
the two. Prepare yourself for the Bundle Age. Wireless
satellite TV, Phone, Fax, Gaming and Radio at your fingertips.It's just around the corner, or as close as your nearest cell
phone or your bundled services provider (BSP).----
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Copyright © 2005 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
Category : Computers-and-Technology:Mobile-Computing

'Interested' Prospects and Random Negative Reinforcement

Author : Jacques Werth
"Interested" is one of the most common words that salespeople use in their prospecting and selling activities. If you can eliminate that word from your sales vocabulary and replace it with the word "want," your volume of closed sales will rapidly increase. In most cases, just changing that one word can increase sales by up to 25 percent. This is easy to explain, and very difficult for most salespeople to do. Here's why.Closing is all about mutual commitment. However, commitment can be either positive or negative. Rather than ask for a commitment and allow for the possibility that the commitment may be negative, most salespeople avoid asking for a commitment. Instead, they ask prospects if they are "interested" - because they don't want to hear "No." And, their prospects often say they're "interested" - because they don't want to say "Yes." Then, you have two people spending a lot of time with no commitment - except the salesperson provides his time and expertise without compensation. Those salespeople are hoping that they will be able to persuade those interested prospects to buy.Obviously, sometimes interested prospects actually do buy - but not very often. On average, salespeople close 17 percent of their appointments. In many industries closing rates are much lower. However, most salespeople keep hoping that they'll get better at persuading interested prospects to buy. That's referred to as "Random Negative Reinforcement." When you're doing something that has a small probability of producing a positive result, an occasional payoff will get most people to keep doing it. The vast majority of people who keep putting their money in slot machines will lose all of their money in a short time. The lure of the big win combined with a few small wins keeps them hooked. They keep hoping that they'll become more skillful and learn how to beat the odds. That's the principle that enables gambling casinos to earn billions of dollars a year. That's also the principle that causes most people who go into the sales profession to fail or continue while earning meager wages.If you only spend your time with prospects that want what you're selling and who will make a commitment to buy if it meets their requirements you have broken the pattern of Random Negative Reinforcement. That can change your life.But, how can you get people to make a commitment to buy during a prospecting call? Stop asking them if they are interested in a benefit of your product or service. Stop asking them if they are interested in meeting with you to see whether they are interested in eliminating their pain. Instead, describe your product or service and tell them about a couple of its performance features. Then, ask if it is something they want. If it is something they want, they'll also commit to an appointment. If it's not something they want, they'll say "No," or "I'm not interested." If you quickly terminate the call, it will save you so much time that you'll be able to contact many more prospects. That will enable you to find more of those prospects that already want the benefits of your type of products or services.Now, you may say, "But I don't have that many prospects that I can afford to bypass anyone. I have to try to sell them all." That may be true. However, it's also a matter of timing. The best time to visit with a prospect is when they are ready to buy (or specify) your type of product or service. If you visit with prospects when they are not ready to buy, your chances of selling them then are very small - and your chances of selling them in the future are even worse. When that prospect does become ready to buy, they're much more likely to contact one of your competitors to compare what they have with your offering. At that time, they're much more receptive to what the competitor has to say, because they're ready to buy. It's then most likely that they'll buy from a competitor. If you wait to visit them until they are ready to buy, it's most likely that you will be the one who will get their business.You should stay in touch with a large number of prospects by frequently calling them all. For most industries, the best frequency is every 4 weeks. Each time you call your prospects you should present them with a different prospecting offer than the previous one. That will minimize the likelihood of them being annoyed with your calls. New information isn't annoying unless it's used for manipulative purposes. Each time you call you must be willing to accept "No" for the answer and be willing to move on to your next call, quickly. Each successive time that you call your chances of contacting the prospects that want to buy increases.High Probability Selling is a leading sales training and sales consulting company founded in 1989. While High Probability Selling principles may seem quite radical, they have been proven to be highly successful on hundreds of thousands of sales calls by salespeople in over seventy industries.©Jacques Werth, High Probability® Selling - All rights reserved.Jacques Werth, author of "High Probability Selling," is an internationally respected Sales Trainer and Sales Consultant. HPS graduates are excelling as Top Producers in over 70 industries. Visit http://www.highprobsell.com to read more articles, preview the book, and learn more about High Probability Selling.
Category : Leasing

ADHD Non-Drug Treatments

Author : Alvin

Although medications are commonly used to treat ADHD, there are a range of non-drug treatments that can manage the symptoms. Some of these treatments are used in conjunction with medications. Where it's not necessary to take medications, non-drug treatments are recommended.The following ADHD treatments must be tailored to the individual, depending on the type and severity of ADHD symptoms.1. Environmental changes: Reduce allergens, toxins and chemicals from the home and workplace. These are believed to cause ADHD.2. Dietary changes: Reduce the intake of unwholesome or processed foods that contain preservatives, addictives, artificial flavorings and colorings. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Consume more protein from fish and lean meat. Avoid refined sugar. Take a good quality multi vitamin that will provide additional nutrients to the body.3. Lifestyle changes: Reduce alcohol intake, refrain from smoking and exercise regularly.4. Special educational needs: Depending on the severity of ADHD, some children may just require additional help and support from teachers while others may require special educational services. Discussing your child's condition with a teaching staff can determine if your child require special educational assistance.5. Behavior therapy or behavior modification program: Define a reward and punishment program for the ADHD child. The idea is to reward, reinforce and increase the frequency of positive behaviors in the child. It is important to include the child in the setting up of the behavior modification program. The expectations must be realistic. Be clear of what is expected from the child and be consistent in applying the program. Let your child be involved in choosing the types of rewards.6. Therapy or counseling: ADHD sufferers are more likely to have problems with self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Counseling is aimed to helping ADHD sufferers cope with their feelings and change their negative behaviors. Family members need to be educated about ADHD so they can better understand and help the ADHD sufferer in the household. Counseling can be in the form of psychotherapy, social skills or parental training. Psychotherapy helps the sufferer deal with emotions. Social skills training develops behavior skills to maintaining social relationships. Parental training provides parents with methods and tools to control their child's behavior.7. Support groups: Parents of ADHD children meet up to share problems, concerns and listen to professional talks on ADHD. Members of support groups learn how each other cope and know that they are not alone.Although there is no cure for ADHD, medications and non-drug treatments enable ADHD sufferers to control the symptoms and lead more fulfilling lives. ADHD does not only affect the sufferers, but their families too. For the successful treatment of ADHD, parental support is crucial to helping the family and ADHD child cope with the condition. Learning about ADHD enables you to provide the necessary support for your child or family member who is suffering from this condition. Although medications are commonly used to control the symptoms, there are other ADHD treatments available. An accurate medical diagnosis is crucial to the successful treatment of ADHD. More revealing facts and resources on ADHD are available at www.guidetoadhd.com/home

Category : Fitness

How to Dye Your Own Yarn

Author : Emma Snow

Copyright 2006 Emma SnowDying your own yarn is not difficult and can be fun! There are a lot of methods for dying, but the one I like best uses unsweetened drink mixes, such as Kool-Aid or Flavor-Aid and a microwave. You must use 100% wool yarn (or another protein fiber) for the color to take. Ive used Fishermans Wool with good results. To prepare the wool, make bundles of about two ounces each, tied with a short string. (I use yarn to tie my bundles, and then keep the ties on index cards with details on the yarn and amounts of mix I used for future reference. I experiment a lot!)Soak wool bundles in hot water with a squirt of liquid dish soap for hour. While the bundles are soaking prepare your dye. You can use plastic cups for mixing. I like to mix up a bunch in a plastic container with a lid and store it for later use. Start with one package of drink mix for each ounce fiber you intend to dye. Mix with six ounces water and two ounces distilled white vinegar.In summary: For each ounce fiber:1 pkg. drink mix6 oz. water2 oz. vinegarFeel free to experiment. The more drink mix you use, the brighter the color will be. You can mix several colors in separate cups and spatter the yarn with a turkey baster (or paint brush, or eye dropper) or you can combine different flavors to get a blend.Line a Pyrex-type glass casserole dish with plastic wrap, and remove the yarn from its bath. Carefully squeeze out the excess water. If you agitate the yarn too much it will start to felt, so you want to be very gentle! Place the yarn on the plastic wrap and pour the dye over it. Make sure all the yarn gets covered by the dye mix.Wrap the plastic tightly around the yarn. You may want to secure the ends with masking tape, but its not necessary. Squish the liquid around again to make sure all the yarn has been covered. Microwave the bundle in the glass dish on high for two minutes. Remove the dish from the microwave and let rest for two minutes more. Check to see if the liquid is clear. Be careful, as it will be very hot! Keep hands and face away from the bundle in case steam is released.If the liquid is not clear, return the bundle back to the microwave for another two minutes at a time. When the liquid is colorless it is finished. Remove the plastic wrap and rinse carefully in hot water. Feel free to let the yarn cool in the air. I set mine outside on the patio. As yarn cools you may use cooler water to rinse. (The more extremes it is exposed to, the more likely it is to felt.)When the yarn is cool enough to handle, squeeze out excess water and hang to dry. My neighbors know it has been a dying day when they see the multi-colored streamers swooping around my tree branches out front! On wet days I drape yarn on hangers and let it dry inside. Be sure to line the floor with towels or newspapers to catch the drips.Just as few finishing notes: This microwaving method is best if you are dying a small quantity of yarn and want to achieve a mottled effect. For a more uniform effect, you can dye yarn in a large pan on the stovetop. I have also tried dying finished articles, which worked fine, although the color will settle deeper in some spots. One of the most charming results of dying with drink mixes is that the finished yarn smells something like its flavor. Yum! Emma Snow is a stay at home Mom, who loves crafts and is a contributor to the Craft Kits site at http://www.craft-kits.net . Emma second love is animals and she also writes for Dog Pound http://www.dog-pound.net .

Category : General Travel and Leisure

Dealing with High Levels of Personal Debt

Author : Iwona Kurecka
In the world today, credit is just about a necessity. It is all but impossible to rent a car, book a hotel room or buy a plane ticket without a credit card, and that means that just about every consumer will eventually have to deal with issues like credit and personal debt.

Unfortunately, there are no classes on how to use credit wisely, and most consumers end up finding out about these subject the hard way, by getting into debt over their heads. While it is true that being in debt is very stressful and difficult, it is important to use dealing with and eliminating that debt as a learning experience, and not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

One mistake many consumers make when getting a credit card for the first time is treating the card as free money. Instead of parting with that hard earned cash, they can simply sign their name and buy anything they want. Too many people make this mistake, and find themselves with a larger bill at the end of the month than they are able to pay.

This problem simply continues to compound, and at the high interest rates charged by most credit card companies, it can be very difficult to pay off even a small balance. It is easy to see, therefore, why dealing with debt can be so difficult.

One way to both learn from a negative experience and help repair a dinged credit rating is to take out a personal loan to pay off the high interest credit card debt. Not only will a personal loan help you get rid of that high interest credit card debt, but making the payments on time will help to restore your good credit rating. A history of on time payments is one of the best ways to keep your credit score up and your interest rates down.
Category : GPS

Pressure in Youth Sports

Author : Ken Kaiserman

Pressure is part of all sports and its impact in youth sports is something we need to carefully evaluate. The spotlight is brightest in baseball; there is simply no place to hide. For the pitcher, batter, catcher and anybody the ball is hit to, all the attention of parents and peers is riveted on that player. In soccer, basketball or other sports, its easy enough to "blend in", but not in baseball. I have tremendous respect for every kid who takes the risk and goes out to play ball especially the kids who are not as talented; its not easy. This is especially true for a young pitcher who controls every aspect of the game. Is there simply too much pressure put on kids to early? I dont think so. As we evaluate the physiological aspects of pressure, the kids psychology, our own beliefs, and effective ways to deal with pressure, Ill let you know why.

What Is Stress? - Changes, such as sudden trauma, several big crises, or many small daily hassles, cause stress. The human body has different ways of responding to stress; one quick responding nerve-hormonal system involving adrenaline, another long-lasting system involving cortisol, and perhaps others. These systems not only determine the intensity of our anxiety reactions but also our attitudes, energy level, depression, and physical health after the stressful events are over. Stress can also be a source of energy that can be directed towards useful purposes. How many of us would study or work hard if it were not for anxiety about the future? Life is a dynamic process and thus forever changing and stressful. Physiologic changes including an increased heart rate and blood pressure, faster breathing, muscle tension, dilated pupils, dry mouth and increased blood sugar all take place. In other words, stress can also be described as a state of increased arousal. Up to a certain point stress is beneficial. We can perform with greater energy and increased awareness with the influx of excitatory hormones that release immediate energy.

Understanding Each Child There are genetic, constitutional, and other factors that influence the pressure an individual will feel in any situation and their reaction to that stress. Some of us may have been born "nervous", happy, emotional, or even "grouches." Almost certainly we are by nature prone to be shy or outgoing, and we also inherit a propensity for certain psychological effects, including our reaction to stress. So, we have to expect that each child will be impacted by and deal with pressure situations differently. It is imperative to judge each child as an individual. Some kids are desperate to bat with the bases loaded or the pitch in a clutch situation. Does your child hope the ball is hit to him so that he can make the play or does hope its not hit in his direction so that he cant make an error? My favorite Michael Jordan quote is: I"ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I"ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I"ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I"ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. You want to put kids into a position where they can succeed and to do that you need to understand who they are and how they are impacted by different pressure situations.

Another difference in children can be the way that they act in team vs. individual sports. A friend of mine has a child who is a very good athlete and highly competitive in tennis and golf, but disappears in soccer and basketball. The psychology behind this is simply that this person is able to perform when she knows that its all up to her. However, she doesnt want to be the one who lets down the team by missing a shot. On the other hand, some children may react in just the opposite manner and not want the outcome to be totally determined by their own actions.

The easiest thing to do is very simple just ask the kids. You may be surprised at how honest the answers will be. Here are some questions to try:

1. When the game is tied and youre playing in the field, do you want the ball to be hit to you or would you prefer that the ball is hit to one of your teammates?

2. If your team is losing by one run in the bottom of the last inning, the bases are loaded, and there are two out, do you want to be at bat?

3. If youre on deck in the same situation, do you want your teammate to win the game or do you want a chance to get to the plate?

4. Would you prefer your teammate make the last out of the game so that you dont have to bat with the game on the line?

5. Do you want to pitch?

6. Would you want to come in with the bases loaded and your team has a one run lead in the championship game?

Projection of Parents, Friends and Relatives Projection is one of the defense mechanisms identified by Freud and still acknowledged today. According to Freud, projection is when someone is threatened by or afraid of their own impulses so they attribute these impulses to someone else. For example, a parent or grandparent who is so nervous about the outcome of a game can project their own insecurity and stress onto a child when the child isnt bothered at all. For example, I know some grandparents, who are admittedly risk averse themselves and protective of their kids (no matter how old they are) are now at least as protective of their grandchildren. They have a grandson who is an excellent pitcher and loves to pitch, but they still feel that hes under too much pressure and maybe he shouldnt even be playing baseball. This is an example of projection of their feelings about the child rather than actually finding out how he feels. I know many parents who prefer their child not come to bat in a tough situation just in case their kid makes the last out. While this is very easy to understand since we all want to protect our children, it often isnt the kids feeling the pressure, but the rest of us.

Dealing With Pressure Websters Dictionary defines Pressure as the burden of physical or mental distress. Even that definition is interesting because it neglects the possibility that people can perform well and even thrive under pressure and stress. One misconception though with performing under pressure is that stress always has a negative connotation. Many times, "the stress of competition may cause a negative anxiety in one performer but positive excitement in another". That is why one frequently hears how elite players" thrive under pressure, when most others would crumble. As individuals, our nervous systems differ; however, according to Richard Dienstbier at the University of Nebraska, we may be able to modify our physiological reactions by learning coping skills. Not surprisingly, exercise and sports participation are commonly considered as activities to reduce stress from other areas in life. However, if a child is feeling pressure while playing sports, here are some solid stress relief techniques they can employ:

1. Visualization Before a game, visualize yourself in stressful situations and dealing with them successfully. Put yourself into that place mentally so that you can deal with it better when it happens in reality. During the game, you can remember back to how youve already dealt with this situation and are mentally prepared for it. Just so you know where Im coming from, visualization is simply a shorter version of meditation.

2. Breathing If a kid is feeling stressed during a game, feeling less anxious can often be as simple as taking a few deep breaths. Deep breathing is a very effective method of relaxation. It is a core component of everything from the "take ten deep breaths" approach to calming someone down, right through to yoga relaxation and Zen meditation. It works well in conjunction with other relaxation techniques such as Progressive Muscular Relaxation, relaxation imagery and meditation to reduce stress.

Conclusion - A lot has been made of the impact of pressure in youth sports and the negative impact, but much of this is simply projecting a parent or relatives individual beliefs on the situation. While you can argue that Im doing the same thing, but in reverse, I in fact take a different position which is: 1) to acknowledge that pressure does exist, but 2) to determine how each individual child can deal with the situation. Only by knowing each child can you determine if the situation is, in fact, distress rather than an adrenaline producing pressure moment which the kid loves.

About the author:

Ken Kaiserman is the president of SportsKids.com, a leading youth sports website featuring games,sports news,sports camp and league directories,community features, and with over 150,000 products. Ken coaches youth football,basketball and baseball.He also serves on the local little league board of directors as well as the Park Advisory Board.

Category : Kids & Teen