Surprise! The Season of Giving isn?t over. As a matter of fact, it?s just begun!During 2006, you can come right here to receive 5 Gifts that are guaranteed to change your life. They are free for the receiving. However, the only way they will be of value to you is if you give them on regular basis. The Gifts - an acronym for Gratitude, Intentions, Forgiveness, Tithing and Surrender - when given, will create a Consciousness of Wealth in every area of your life. Are you ready to receive a whole new consciousness? Then, please take the first Gift: Gratitude."Gratitude is the Gift of being thankful." In living an Abundant Life, giving this Gift becomes the prayer of the heart that opens your life to the riches contained in it. So begins the chapter on this powerful Gift in my book 5 Gifts for an Abundant Life. It is a wonderful spiritual practice that I invite you to claim as your first intention. The power of Gratitude is unleashed when we are thankful for everything and everyone in our lives - and I mean everything and everyone. Why? Because out of an attitude of Gratitude, we create an "altitude" from which to behold our lives. When we are thankful, we are connecting with the heart of a situation or person. Thus the act of being grateful gives us the wings to transcend the personality or circumstance, and live in the Love that is back of it all. The truth is that it is impossible to give the Gift of Gratitude and entertain any other feeling or emotion at the same time. "Thank you, God" (or "Spirit" or "Universe" or what ever you choose to call that Power that is greater than we are) are three of the most important words you can use during your day. By giving thanks - for the food you are about to eat; the traffic on the freeway; the rude salesperson; your partner for a gift; your child for helping you - you express a form of prayer that allows you to witness the Divine in it all, while at the same time saving yourself from spending energy on less desirable emotional responses. What a way to live!And, there?s another bonus in giving this Gift of Gratitude. Giving thanks for what we would like more of in our lives actually sets up the vibration of receptivity for that desire to manifest. By being grateful for that which has not yet shown up in form, we "move from perceived limitations into the passion of possibilities, without attachment to 'how' our good is to be manifested," I write in the 5 Gifts book. It?s so simple.And so I give you the Gift of Gratitude. Please accept it and remember; the way to increase its value is to give it at every opportunity. You will soon realize a profound Truth: By giving this Gift you name your entire life a Blessing. Diane Harmony is in the business of personal and spiritual empowerment. She is an author, platform speaker, workshop/class teacher and facilitator, ordained Minister of Religious Science and guide on spiritual retreats. Diane has been published in Science of Mind Magazine, Awareness Magazine, Inner Visions Magazine, and Daily Guides of Prayer. She is the author of the award winning book, 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life: Create a Consciousness of Wealth. A gifted teacher, Diane has taught over 40 prosperity classes to hundreds of students. In 2002, she succeeded in successfully creating an 8 week Prosperity Course entitled 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life! Today, Diane is the leader of her own company, Universal Harmony Inc., whose vision is to empower the planet?s population with the spiritual insight, knowledge and tools to live life in abundance, joy and peace.?You can visit her web site at: 5 Gifts
Category : General Religion