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What Is Mind Mapping?

Author : Paul Urban

What Is Mind Mapping?And How Does it Let You Access The Other 95% of Your Brains Intelligence?Mind Mapping is the most effective, brain-friendly way for you to turn your unorganized, fleeting ideas and thoughts into a structured, visual map. A mind map resembles the visual aspects of a flow chart and the organization structure of an outline. The best of both worlds But mind maps are exponentially more powerful. For you to fully recognize the astonishing rewards you can expect from mind mapping, you must understand the limitations mind mapping helps you overcome. Its a scientific fact. You (we, everyone) uses only a small fraction of our true brain power. Estimates range from 1% to 10% or more. Just how much is not known. The point is there is so much more intelligence available to us. This opens the door to a world of possibilities. Virtually unlimited human potential! But heres the challenge: Were All ToddlersBy using only 5% (or so) of your intelligence capacity, it makes perfect sense you must be willing to challenge the way you think. Or youll never evolve into higher levels of intelligence. For example, would you take everything a three-year-old says, as absolute fact? Would you run all of your lifes decisions by a three-year-old? Of course, not! Because they only use a fraction of the brain power YOU use. Toddlers must challenge much of what they THINK they know in order to advance to YOUR level of knowledge. In simple terms, you can never grow mentally, if you think you know everything now. If you assume the 5% of your brain is fully developed and mature, youll cut off the supply of new ideas even that which is proven to be true. But if you recognize we, humans, are all mental toddlers to the extent that we have yet to use our full mental capacity not only will youll hunger for growth you will grow beyond your wildest imaginings! Youll soon see how MindMapper gives you this unfair human advantage in your work and your play. What does this have to do with mind mapping? Mind mapping has hardly been around for a generation. It was devised in the late 1960s by top world lecturer and writer on brain and learning skills, Tony Buzan. For the most part, its a new idea that only a handful of people apply on a regular basis. Because mind mapping involves uncommon, advanced use of your brain (tapping the other 95%), you may have to challenge your current beliefs to fully accept its true power its ability to empower you with enhanced productivity... youll become more organized, stay more focused, sharpen your memory, and more. Whats more exciting is that MindMapper software takes the 35-year-old concept of mind mapping and supercharges it for the 21st century! But lets stay on task...How Mind Mapping Integrates Your Entire Brain to Unleash the Wealth of Mental Performance You Already PossessThe secret behind mind mapping lies in its combined use of the full capacity of each primary brain function, such as logic, writing, spatial visualization, mathematical analysis, color, etc. Mind mapping involves both sides of your brain at the same time to expand your capabilities in so many different ways benefits you can never otherwise achieve at peak levels. Like v Recognize more of your random thoughts as the flashes of genius they truly arev Harness those thoughts into specific, clear-cut action plans in minutesv Exercise your mind to improve your memory, learning capacity, writing, and communicatingv Plus numerous other ways to improve your work and personal life! Look at the basic illustration of a mind map below. It has one core idea: Tips to Improve Your Memory with many sub-topics. By writing out the topic and its details, you use words (language). This fires up the left side of your brain. The colorful branches, graphic images and spatial layout of ideas in different directions gets the right side of your motor running. Thus, mind mapping makes the most balanced and effective use of both sides of your brain. Your brain is an extremely complex control center for your thoughts and actions where countless additional cross-brain activities are stimulated through mind mapping. Especially with the variety of intelligent features and whiz-bang capabilities of MindMapper software! It lets you produce much more advanced, organized, detailed and effective mind maps than traditional paper and pen mind mapping. MindMapper software Puts Your Ideas on Steroids! And because the software does nearly all the work for you its far easier than mind mapping by hand!Witness the Many Ways You Can Benefit From MindMapper TodayVisit our website to download a full 30 day evaluation of MindMapper today: www.EssentialMindMapping.comPaul Urban, CEO Essential MindMappingEmail: admin@essentialmindmapping.com Web: www.EssentialMapping.com "Explode Your Productivity & Profits Through Smarter Planning" Paul Urban has been the CEO of Essential MindMapping for over two years and come with a wealth of knowledge on the MindMapping and Brainstorming methods on the market today.

Category : General Business
