วันพุธที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How Can You Tell When Change Management Commeth?

Author : Lance Winslow
Have you ever watched a corporate executive on the financial news and the gentleman says something and you think to yourself why is he running that company anyway? Indeed this was my thought when I watched the President of HP, who happened to be at Davos with all the World Leaders say something really silly and she was serious enough that I almost did not believe it.I said to myself why on Earth is she running this company, surely she is smart enough not to say such things or smart enough to know the reality of the situation. She was canned about 3-weeks later and for good reason in my humble opinion. Especially considering my uncles grew up with the HP Founder's kids in Palo Alto, CA.When you see executives making excuses and mistakes in rapid succession you know it is time for management succession and that folks is How you can tell when Change Management Commeth. We saw the same things at Boeing a few years back with bad management and ridiculous decisions, which caused great harm to the company. We saw the same with Daimler Chryslers Freightliner Truck Division. In fact we see it all the time.What is unfortunate and Collins talks about this in both his books; Built to Last; and From Good to Great; that businesses and corporations cannot run this way. Perhaps corporate shake-ups are a good thing, because if these folks cannot handle it they need to be gone. Consider all this in 2006."Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Category : Business:Change-Management
