วันเสาร์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Get Government out of Schools & Businesses

Author : Shirley deLong
BONDS, TAXES, LIES AND MORE LIES.IT'S TIME FOR REFORM! We, the Taxpayers, are more than fed-up with all the above and we are notgoing to take it anymore. It looks as though we are going to have to stop all Elections untilwe can get the State of North Carolina back on the right track.It's time to pass a law "ELIMINATING Property Taxes"! By stopping the taxes& bonds, we can put our children back into neighborhood schools or send them to a goodChristian School. Why should a child be away from his or her parents or on a school bus (whichTaxpayers can no longer afford to buy) most of the day? Exactly what are they learning while theyare 'riding' around?There are many more good reasons that we should make this a permanent law:Just to name a few: (1) Taxpayers' Money being spent frivolously.(2) Overspending for all their "Pet" projects. Passing Laws inCounty and State for their "Own" welfare should be stopped! THIS MUST STOP! If these elected people want their areas cleaned up and re-built, let themborrow from the Banks like everyone else has to do or get "Private" Businesspeople to put their money into these projects.Oh, I forgot, this was the "OLD-FASHIONED" way of doing business when peoplewere honest,bought their own property, started their own business on their own money,employed workers, and paid them from earnings from the business!(3) All jobs lost in North Carolina with no chance of ever turningaround, unless we "ELIMINATE PROPERTY TAXES" then maybe, JUST MAYBE, companies will want to come here, bring their families, and to dobusiness here;thus, creating JOBS!I just heard a comment made by a person that just moved his company here andI quote "I would have come to your State "without" any incentives, but I do wish to thankyou!" (4) "Private Businesses being given Taxpayers' monies by electedOfficials and Politicians!" Who ever started given these "INCENTIVES" TO ANY BUSINESSshould be held accountable and something should be done with all of them! (5) PRIVATE business should be just that "Private" and Taxpayers'moniesshould be "Taxpayers' Monies".GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN PRIVATE BUSINESSES!"STOP ALL ELECTIONS!" It's now time to take a look at all the Bond Issues,How many Bonds and actual amounts for each, the Tax Issues, the School Issues, and all the"Pet" projects - "the Endless Money Pits"going on as we'll never see the end of the tunnel!THINK ABOUT IT! IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY ALL THESE HIGH PROPERTY TAXES, YOU COULD PUTYOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN INTO A GOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL WHERETHEY CAN FACE THE FUTURE WITHOUT CONFUSION, DISTRUST, AND MORAL DECLINE! About the Author
Artist, Activist, Environmentalist. Author of several published articles.
Category : Entrepreneurs
