WARNING: The next sentence may shock you.Only 10% of your success will ever depend on your marketing, websites, products and the strategies you implement and its the reason the 95% starting out in network marketing will fail.But what else is there? I mean that type of stuff is all anyone tells you about on the internet, and that is exactly why so many fail in network marketing they dont have the other 90%.Ok so what is the 90%?Its the way you think your mindset.You need to have the mindset of a successful person, before you can be one.The perfect example of this is the lottery.Think about it.Most of the people who win the lottery end up worse off than when they started. This is simply because they did not know how to handle such large amounts of money, whereas a rich person would have known exactly what to do with it to make it last.I hope you see for yourself that you need to start thinking like a success as soon as possible.Now I know you might be thinking that you cant act successful before youve experienced it first.Well thats wrong, and thats why 95% of newbie network marketers fail.Ive designed a very simple way for you to start thinking and acting like a wealthy person.I present to you MACCAH, my theory of a successful mindset:1. Mistakes: Embrace mistakes and learn from them. You need to have the ability to look at your mistakes and find out what has gone wrong. You should see each mistake as a stepping-stone to your success after all, Thomas Edison tested thousands of different materials before finding a suitable filament for the incandescent light bulb. Each mistake brought him one step closer to success. 2. Acceptance: When something happens (good or bad) you have to be able to accept it and move on. You will never get anywhere if youre always wondering what could have happened if you hadnt done this or if you had done that.3. Confidence: This is a very important one. You need to have total and utter confidence in yourself. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything you do will always work out for the best, no matter what happens.4. Constant Learning: You should always be in a state of learning, keeping an open mind to new concepts and strategies. Never ever stop learning, keep on buying new books, courses, tapes, etc, even if you think you know it all, because you never will.5. Ask The Right Questions: Asking the right questions will get you the right results. For example: instead of asking yourself Why am I so poor?, ask What actions can I take to become wealthy?.6. Helping Others: The more people that you help to become successful, the more successful you will become. Always look for ways to help people, everything you do should be a win-win situation. Also I encourage you to regularly donate a percentage of your income to charity.Your mind cant tell the difference between acting and reality, if you start acting wealthy, you are going to start attracting whats missing.So start working on your mindset today, study what successful people do. If you can get yourself a mentor, great! But if not, just read up on books, courses, articles, and anything else you can get your hands on.Start investing in yourself today!I highly recommend you pick up yourself a copy of the timeless classic Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Plus check out Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring its written especially for network marketers like you and me.http://urs-gav.magneticsponsoringonline.com Gavin is a bright upcoming entrepreneur from Australia. His main focus at the moment is to help network marketers succeed. Grab yourself a copy of his free ebook The 6 Dirty Little Secrets They Dont Want You To Know About Network Marketing at http://www.mlm-secrets.com and check out his blog: http://youngmarketer.blogspot.com.
Category : General Business: Network Marketing