วันอังคารที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

VoIP for the modern man

Author : Amelie Mag

Nowadays, VoIP is becoming, under our own eyes, a technology of multiple advantages and of very few, if none at all, disadvantages. VoIP stands as the abbreviated name for Voice over Internet Protocol. It means, more precisely, that VoIP grants people the possibility to practically make telephone calls while not making use of their local, regular telephone services. Instead, through VoIP, they get to benefit from being connected to the Internet. However, not every type of connection will function properly with VoIP. What you need in order to exploit VoIP in the shape of a high quality technology is a highspeed Internet connection. In other words, VoIP requires a broadband Internet connection, since dialup services are too slow.Rest assured that your internet telephony service provider will maintain you up to date with the necessity of being linked to broadband Internet. Why does VoIP need a highspeed network to be functional? Simply because dialup cannot keep up with conveying voices as qualitatively as broadband can. It means that speed is extremely important for VoIP to transfer voices in a conversation with as little changes as possible, if none at all. And VoIP, through broadband Internet, is able to do that by working with digital signals into which your voice is divided so as to be capable to travel over the Internet. The signals switch back at the other end of the call.What else does Internet telephony need besides, obviously, the Internet? One option is to link up a microphone to your Personal Computer and then use a cable modem to transfer your voice. The alternative is to link a telephone to a phone adaptor and then use the Internet for the transmission of your voice. Moreover, Internet telephony service providers can offer the customer phones specifically designed for Internet telephony services, which have the adaptor included. Furthermore, not surprisingly at the tempo of technology development, wireless Internet telephony has been made possible, offering people the opportunity to use VoIP even if they leave their home for a while or if they are at work. And they can even keep the same phone number. In this respect, there are Internet telephony service providers which offer their customers the chance to maintain the same telephone number for life.The advantages of Internet telephony dont end here. An internet telephony service provider or most of them will make sure that you can talk as much, as long as you wish with as many people at the same time without very high charges. In fact, this is where Internet telephony differs quite a lot from regular telephony: in the costs. An Internet telephony service provider will offer opportunities such as making long-distance calls at lower costs. This is what makes VoIP generally affordable. Of course, there are VoIP providers who may charge you the same as regular telephony providers for a long-distance call, but generally they offer you the choice of a fixed fee for a predetermined number of minutes. However, there exists the chance to maintain the same phone number even if you move away from one area to another and, therefore what could have become a long-distance conversation over the telephone is now maintained within the parameters of a local call tariff. Additionally, a VoIP user can freely work on his or her computer without damaging any possible simultaneous Internet telephony conversation. Or, if he or she is in the possession of an adaptor and a phone or of a purposely designed VoIP telephone, the computer may as well be turned off, as long as the Internet connection is available. And, as we have mentioned it before, the advantages that an Internet telephony service provider can present to its customers may extend beyond a fixed location and allow you to enjoy VoIP calls even when you travel.However, there are users who may want to consult with their providers on the matter of emergency calls, since there are services which dont link at once to emergency assistance available though a 911 call. If you wish to enjoy this additional feature, then check it out with your VoIP supplier. Also, there are Voice over Internet Protocol services which are not operational in case a power failure occurs. Once again, this is a matter to discuss with the service provider.All things considered, Voice over Internet Protocol is still somewhat discussed in terms of novelty, although it has been available for almost four years now. No doubt about it, novelty always appears handsome. If you want to exploit its useful side, then talk with your provider. The latter is the one who can most appropriately keep you up to date with the possibilities you have when making an Internet telephone call and also with the minor disadvantages that might arise. A proverb says its better to light a candle then curse the darkness, and a manner of preventing yourself from having unpleasant surprises is to talk them over with the VoIP service company.If you are interested in what modern technology has to offer, then VoIP is what you need and to be sure you make the right decision you can now find out more from your internet telephony service provider . Amelie Mag

Category : General Communication
