วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

View from the Stage: Small World

Author : Gary Wesselhoff
Small WorldLookin' at the stats for my web-site; four percent of my traffic this month comes from Thailand.It kinda makes me think that the blues is universal and even in Thailand they get the blues. So I surfed and guess what? They've got the blues! They've got Creole Samui playing Thai blues at a New Orleans Style bar (except instead of serving Hurricanes, they serve Typhoons), "The Big Buddha Blues Band" (they get down—with purpose no doubt), and also the Soi Dog Blues Band—(and you thought dog was a delecacy)…It's universal I tell you. Last month the United Kingdom and Hungary took an interest in my site, a few folks from the Netherlands poked around there too. It's a small world after all. It would be cool to do an MTV type video based on Wallyworld's "It's a small, small world" ride, where the boat would be sailing down the river, and it would be BLUES PLAYERS from all over the world singin' their woes in miniature jail cells, unemployment lines, flop houses, and alleyways.The blues may have started in the Mississippi Delta, but it has spread to all ends of the earth—not the blues proper, but the expression of it. It's a story that has to be told; Over and Over and Over. The blues, the whole Blues, and nothin' but the Blues.Gary "g-man" Wesselhoff is an acoustic blues writer/performer woking the Chicago Metro area. You can contact him at: gman@gmanblues.com
Category : Arts-and-Entertainment:Music
