How well are you preparing yourself for your voyage into majorexams? Are you using your time, money, and resources in the bestpossible way to get great exam results? Or are you rushingthrough, hoping that on test day youll somehow manage?There was a very interesting program on the Discovery Channelthe other day about the Mongolian attempt to invade Japan in 1274.Do you know the story? According to the program, the Mongols hadthe best fleet of seafaring vessels in the world using cuttingedge 13th century technology. Their ships could survive a hullbreach because the ship was divided into waterproof sections,which means that only a small portion of the ship would take onwater.They also had the worlds most powerful bow, with a range ofover 300 meters (thats three football fields laid end to end!),and there was also evidence to show that the Mongols had a longrange explosive weapon -- basically a bomb -- as well.So why were they defeated? You probably know the traditionalanswer, that a Divine Wind saved the Japanese. When it destroysyour home or your city, it is a typhoon or a hurricane, but whenit repels your invaders, it is a Divine Wind.At this point youre probably wondering what this has to do withyour exam results, so hang in there, Im about to tell you.This attempted invasion of 1274 was actually lost long beforethe Divine Wind (typhoon). It was lost when Kublai Khan, theleader of the Mongolian army, so powerful that they had a mythof invincibility surrounding them, made a decision to take ashort cut. The evidence at the bottom of the ocean shows that hedecided to use river boats rather sea worthy vessels. The oceanvessels were great ships with a keel to keep the ship balancedand enable it to weather a strong typhoon and stay afloat. Riverboats have a flat bottom and no way to balance during an oceanstorm, so they are easily capsized.With one decision, the decision to not prepare properly, KublaiKhan sowed the seeds for the failure of the invasion, and alsodestroyed the myth of invincibility of the Mongolian Empire thusleading to its ultimate destruction.Its these little decisions you make, how well you decide toprepare, that will ultimately determine how well you can weatherthe storm -- and get the great exams results that you know youwant and deserve.How much better could you be preparingns you make, thanwhat you are doing right now? How much more wisely could you beusing your time? How great will it be going into your examknowing that you have truly done everything in your power to besuccessful on your exams, and get those great exam results?Heres to Your Success!Teresa BolenCopyright 2006 by Teresa Bolen. All rights reserved. Teresa Bolen is a teacher at Todaiji Academy, one of the top 5schools in Japan, and the author of Master Plan to Master Exams:How to Discover Your Hidden Abilities to Create the Success YouDesire. You can get her FREE Academic Excellence Report athttp://www.MasterPlanToMasterExams.comGo confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the lifeyou have imagined.-- Henry David Thoreau
Category : General Education: College / University