วันเสาร์ที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Troubleshooting Your Air Impact Wrench

Author : Jason Miller
If your impact wrench is not working like it used to, there are a few things you may check before you throw it in the dumpster. If you are experiencing low power on your air impact wrench, here are three easy steps.The first problem could be a dirty inlet bushing or air strainer screen. Just simply clean both of these with a suitable cleaning solution.Next, examine the cylinder. Replace it if it is worn or broken or if the bore is scored or wavy.Finally, disassemble the tool and clean all parts with a suitable cleaning solution in a well ventilated area. Reassemble the tool according to manual.These three easy steps can solve low power problems most of the time. If your impact wrench is not impacting properly, try this.Check and make sure the air tool has been properly lubricated. Lubrication is absolutely critical to maintaining your air tools at peak performance. To resolve lack of lubrication, remove the hammer case and lubricate the mechanism.Once the hammer case has been removed inspect the impact wrench mechanism parts. Replace any broken or worn parts. Most manufacturers include detailed instructions on how to do this procedure in the manual.These are a few easy procedures that can extend the life of your impact wrench and restore it to its original working condition.Jason is the webmaster for Red Hill Supply - Online Air ToolsAir Impact Wrenches,Air Tools, and More - Red Hill Supply
Keyword : impact wrench,Ingersoll Rand,Chicago Pneumatic
